I was disloyal to the religion I was raised in. I did, do and will continue to betray it in any way possible.
I'm proud of that.
i don't.. i consider myself a truth teller.. the watchtower society appears to be more "apostate" than even "christendom"..
I was disloyal to the religion I was raised in. I did, do and will continue to betray it in any way possible.
I'm proud of that.
i don't.. i consider myself a truth teller.. the watchtower society appears to be more "apostate" than even "christendom"..
I consider the dictionary to be a good way to define the meaning of a word.
The dictionary considers me an apostate, even though as a "born in" "never dunked" many/some dubs wouldn't.
I am an apostate and proud of it.
This made me do a happy.
go chargers!!!!!
i'm delusional.
so, who are you pulling for?.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
i am reuniting with past students and return visits.. i met up with a young lad i used to call on.
he is not baptised, but at university in his 20's and living away from home.
his mother is a jw and his father is not.
I was simply pointing out that they are very different things.
Labels can be divisive. Racism just is. (It's pedantic of me, I was just picking up on it out because I'm anal, I'll stfu about it now)
page 4, 2014 yearbook .
jehovah used his own spirit-begotten sons to provide the original new world translation.
They called one of the schools they sent me to "special".
There was a girl there who couldn't spell her own name. (Fun times)
The RNWT... Pretty damn... Unique.
i am reuniting with past students and return visits.. i met up with a young lad i used to call on.
he is not baptised, but at university in his 20's and living away from home.
his mother is a jw and his father is not.
"I don't use labels, it is no different than racism"
Mmhm, yes. Yes it is.
In answer to the OP - Yes. I was never baptised, so I'm not an apostate, in Jdub terms, but I still claim the title if questioned... Opposed just doesn't have the same ring to it!
hi all.. just letting know that i've published a new article on my website, titled "the tree of life and its meaning".. you're welcome to visit, read and discuss it.. eden.
"Is there a particular reason that He could not teach in Eden?"
Well, I don't know what your theology is... I'm only versed [kinda] in WT theology and that of your average Christian. I don't think your system of belief is either. (Oh, and a bit of the biblical unitarian stuff)
I don't think any of them have Jesus romping about with his dad in the breezy part of the day. Far as I know.
"In any case, you have left out the part about how they could eat from him"
Um, when you said... Hold on while I find it... "By eating... taking into themselves/receiving from Him... his fruit, teachings, holy spirit (the water of life).", I thought you were clarifying what you meant. That is to say - that taking in his teachings IS eating from him.
If that is not what you are saying - since you just made a distinction between the two - then what do you mean by "eat from him"?
Please assume I'm an idiot who finds it hard to understand things which aren't spelled out to him.
"I don't know. I don't know what you are finding hard to understand. If we are told that we can eat from Christ; indeed we are told to eat his flesh and drink his blood... why is it so hard to grasp that they could have eaten from Him then?"
I think I'm finding it hard to understand you because I don't know where you are swithching from metaphorical language to literal... Or back again. Or even if you are, switching I mean.
When it comes to the emblems I have no trouble. (Eat bread/literal - eat jesus/metaphor)
Genesis 3 v 22 gives the impression that the "fruit of life" could just be taken, even by the unworthy, and eaten to grant everlasting life. Isn't that a bit like someone stealing some of the emblems and scoffing them to get saved on the sneak? (If we're talking about a literal tree that they had to be prevented from eating)
Where does the physical tree end and christ begin? (And do I detect "death" behind the tree of knowledge... He gets about in your belief system)
(I don't expect you to answer every point btw, just trying to explain the roots of my confusion)
the wbts teaches a overlapping (generation) will not pass away since 1914 right?.
what is your personal genealogy.
(1) my great grand father was born in 1901. he became active with the bible students around 1910. .
"Grandmother, mother, me. The line stops here. (so one overlapping generation then...)"