JoinedTopics Started by JWCart
"Scientist Discover Atheists Might Not Exist..." "This is not a Joke!"
by JWCart incrofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
“Human aggression could bring civilisation and humanity to an end ,” says Stephen Hawking
by abiather inhuman aggression could bring civilisation and humanity to an end , says stephen hawking.
compare ecclesiastes 8:9.
How the Watchtower Provides the Perfect World View for Earth's most Calloused and Selfish Human Beings, if you disagree, Let's talk!
by JWCart ini don't think i've come across this line of reasoning on jwn but this thought has been going back and forth like a ping pong ball mentally.
jws offer no real benefit to the world even if they do make people stop fighting in gang-banger relationships or stop criminals from stealing.
there are religions that help people find jesus and these people do begin to help, they feed the hungry, they begin to involve themselves volunteering for different charities.
By their own logic, JW's should leave Watchtower.......
by snare&racket in"university and college campuses are notorious for bad behaviordrug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, hazing, and the list goes on.
watchtower2005 oct 1 p.28.
having been to university and a jw..it made me think about their logic....... "jehovah's witness congregations are notorious for bad behavioralcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, domestic abuse, child abuse and the list goes on.
What is the most current information on the Ricco indictments of Don Adams re: Menlo Park?
by TerryWalstrom indid this quietly go away?.
details, please.
Can you help me grasp Jehovah's Witnesses as (Emotionally and Mentally Violent) vs Physically Violent of all Religions?
by JWCart incan i upload a audio tape of how evil jws are, you won't believe how wicked they are!
Asshole Atheism – Not for me, now or ever.
by donny into start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
What if JWs Viewed Disfellowshipping and Excommunication as Radical Islamists Do?
by Oubliette ini found this statement from a recent article about isis to be quite interesting in view of the way that any jw can be accused of apostasy with little or no possible repercussions or consequences for the accuser: .
in islam, the practice of takfir, or excommunication, is theologically perilous.
if a man says to his brother, you are an infidel, the prophet said, then one of them is right.
Psychology Today - interesting articles about Cult Leaders and Predators in clergy or organization positions
by wannabefree ini stumbled upon some articles in psychology today written by joe navarro, an ex-fbi counterintelligence agent.. this one talks about predators as priests or clergy as well as in other organizations and why they are attracted to it .... https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/spycatcher/201404/why-predators-are-attracted-careers-in-the-clergy.
this article talks about identifying dangerous cult leaders ... how many characteristics do you see in some of the gb leaders past and present?.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses really practice charity and help the needy in war ravaged areas in third-world countries?
by JWCart inthe pusher i have told a young man today that jehovah's witnesses are one of the biggest helpers with hunger reliefs and bringing solar stoves to west africa and the watchtower has donated vast resources to help ebola victims by providing hundreds of "clean up stations" plus jehovah's witnesses are sending millions of dollars in medical aid, is this true?.
are jehovah witnesses with backing from the watchtower helping eliminate illiterate children like the catholic church is doing in uganda and kenya by housing 5 to 13 year old kids and proving two meals, a roof over their head and education up to 15 years giving them a edge, so they don't end up in the sex trade, as a jw-cart the pride swelled up in my heart knowing how generous our organization is with the poor.