Simon if you were anybody else who has had the attitude that you have shown towards others latley you would ban yourself.
Rubbish, I allow you to post your diatribes don't I?
You do not think that you insult people?
This thread is about "crime" rates between the Nations that S P put up. She did not narrow the field to just "homicide" rates.
Eactly, it was very unspecific.
Your data is so narrow it is not relevant to the topic. Which I understand why you choose it. It's like saying that if we can't prove that there are no KKK members in the NRA then that proves that Mike Moore is a truthful film artist when you glorified Bowling For Columbine. In other words to even begin to talk about the UK go through each type of crime single file or all information is dismissed. Why would S P waste her time? Accept the homicide rates, gun related homicide rates. Dismiss Jayson and his questions and comments on mugging London & NY. I still say read the book I recommended.
You tried to do that. Why do you think by putting up your opinion that only homicide is worth debating you are right? Is murder the only thing that the police act on in the UK ? Traffic fines and murder rates?
I think I showed that figures taken in isolation do not give the whole picture which is surely what matters? The post was not "which country has the most non-homicide, non-parking-fine-related crime" was it?
I think you showed your bias. Even as a devil's advocate you have a recurring theme in every post about the US you make.
Why is having a different opinion than you having a "chip." That having the opinion you are bias on the issue of America equals a "chip" should make anyone reading this thread wonder if you are capable of self examination.
I welcome differing opinions. However, some people seem to have a different opinion for the sake of it and against all logic and reason and go out of their way to take and claim offence. I call this having a chip. What would you call it?
I call it you.
Lets see on the topic of guns you said Americans who own guns do so to "blow each others brains out."
No, I didn't say that and you know it.
Simon says
Tell me, can you explain the problem that America has with guns? Is it something wrong with American society that makes so many want to manage to blow each others brains out?
You did say it Simon. YOU DID SAY IT
Blah nonsense about carrying a shotgun and state vs federal regulations
You say blah? Why am I
(For the most part) it is a CRIME to possess a gun in public without special privleges by the state is "Blah?" On a thead that is about crime that was hijacked to be about homicide and GUNS?
I lump all of America together because the topic is "Crime Rates: U.S. v. England"
Do you seriously want us to debate it state by state? I'm sorry but I don't have the time or inclination to do this.
Simon maybe you misunderstand me. I am still talking about gun related homicide rates in the US [via your debate] with the difference in gun laws from State to State in the USA. I still don't think you comprehend that there are very big differences in the law. Those differences are also related to both the homicide rate and the crime rate in the USA. There are big differences in crime from State to State. The USA is a big place. In th UK crime is outragous. Gun related homicide may be lower due to availablity but I am saying that there is a connection to the "other crime" and the laws of the UK denying the rights to self defense of self and property.
The facts speak for themselves and all your waffle is to disguise the fact that England has a lower rate of very violent crimes (eg. homicides).
Waffle no. There is more to crime than homicide unless we are talking about the US vs the UK and then imediatly you draw the sword and start screaming about the US and gun related deaths go off on a fit the thread dies and you claim that "we" or "I" have a chip on my or our shoulder. Simon I am looking to place the "chip" where it belongs.
Now, if I had attached some value judgements to the facts and said that it showed American society was "lacking" in some ways or was spiralling out of control or that Americans were violent then I would understand your defensiveness but all I have posted is hard figures that as far as I can tell, you are not disputing.
Your posts on this topic are nothing but judgment Simon. Trying to force me and others to defend is part of the "formation of attitude" in your posts.
Therefore, I suggest you stick to the topic and stop your ongoing attempts to twist everything I post into an attack on your country when it is a million miles from what I've posted.
I am on topic Simon.