Realist realist realist. U R always so polite to me. <sigh>
In your lifetime you will either see a radical EU change in it's generous welfare social system or it's total collapse. Time will tell. American social welfare is very productive when admisistered correctly and responsibly. In California one out of four people either are getting welfare they are not entitled to or not getting what they should. That is just outragous. But Gray is still Gov. of that state. Go figure. I believe that the average [western] European is more educated than the average American. However, I think that the inability to face the ideological factors that seperate are as vast as the ocean. In fact I don't think we have much in common any more. It's true that some American's (a minority) share the desire to try the "third way" of socialism along with the EU. It will fail for the same reasons that trickle down ecomonics fail. The US will never stand for a world tax so long as Communists and Tyrants get equal treatment in the UN.
Tricky down econ- fails because it assumes that people who can take care of themselves will when given reasonable opportunity. This is false people are lazy.
Socialism fails because it holds back those who want to over perform and they are the ones who spur on an economy. They can't do what they do and the economies stall then socialism can't meet it's promises to the people. Oh ya and corruption.
As long as there are nation-states and ideology these two things along with the entire ideological continumm (I've explained that term before) will continue. The US will dominate for our lifetime and that's life. The Middle East will improve but not see peace in our lifetime. China will be the new force in the 21st century. Western Europe will take it's place as second and third rate powers indignantly.
All my opinion off the top of my head. btw have you ever read "The Ten Things You Can't Say In America?" You'd like it realist.