I'm saying a prayer for all of us. Dear God let us stay safe, stay alert & don't worry. We all have each other. Pray for help for the TROLLS. They need all the help they can get. We're all ok, but something somewhere along the line something real bad happened to them, Lord only knows how someone can have such a dark heart and want to hurt so many people. It's something that's never ending. I don't know what kind of sense of humor God has, but I think he has one..IMHO.
My prayer in dealing with trolls; God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, change the things we can, and keep them TROLLS down to a minumum. Give us the courage to give them back what they dish out and, try not to get us kicked off the boards defending ourselves. Give us the wisdom to have snappy comebacks. Help us help each other and ourselves dealing with these freaks, if that's what they are. Forgive me God , but man! they really bug me. My prayer, I thought I'd share. Thanks for being there, AMEN
JoinedPosts by Jayson
Oroborus is YoYoMama?????
by bluesapphire insimon, i think he's back.
did you let him back?
please get rid of him again.
Christians force Wal-mart to ban British 'lad mags'
by ignored_one inhttp://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=403863
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
Jay looks and Comf's pic post covers his face and screams
<My eyes! Oh God! My eyes!>
Jehovahs Wtnesses donate blood cleaning machine
by mattnoel injust on meridian news -.
jw's have donated a blood cleaning machine to maidstone hospital.
aernt they loving and wonderfull - what is this a way for them to try and gain favour at the fact that people can have it cleaned but will rather let loved ones die from not having it in them !
bad blood theology aside.. i dont see what the problems is..
Mike, the fact that those who need the machine will get it is good. I thank the Witnesses for their gift.
The fact that so many JW's have died and will die over the false biblical reasoning of "eating blood" a policy that has changed so much over the last 100 years, all this blood on their hands, all for the whim of madmen in contol of the religion is an outrage....That's all.
www.escapethewatchtower.com new website
by Hamas ini just changed that slow ass free web hosting and web redirection.
check it out now !
( the funk soul brother )
Nice site Hamas.
Thank you.
Corporal Punishment
by shamus innow that you are away from the organization, do you still believe in it?
There is nothing wrong with spanking.
My Observation: The People On this Board Are Very Nice
by minimus inthe more i get to know you, the more i appreciate what you've gone through and the more i feel a kinship toward you.
so many here are kind hearted people.
this board just keeps getting better and better!!
Most of the people here are very kind, compassionate, caring, considerate and loving. Some are not.Those are the ones I have a problem with and they with me.
Oh Aztec despite my making you "sick" I think even you are in Mini's complement to all, as well as your def of "most" people here. I have no problems with you. (Just don't agree with you politically. And hell politics suck anyway.)
The Hypocrisy of JWs strikes again!
by NaruNaruChan inso i'm talking to an old mutual "worldly" friend of mine and my old jw best friend who's currently shunning me because i'm an unrepentant fornicator... (a fag) .
anyway, and he proceeds to tell me that she has been banging her boyfriend for quite some time now!
and she's in good standing with the cong.
Sister, Babletized and everything. She was screwing around and when confronted she said that the difference between her and people who are dfted is that they got caught. She was shunning while she was fornicating. And when she was caught she cried and repented and told the Old Boys Club all about her escapades then she was privately reproved and it was hush hush because they (The Elders) did not want her Mom to know about it. I really do wonder if the average JW knows just how hypocritical the dfing hearings are. Imagine if Governments treated everyone like JW's treat each other.
JW Family...UPDATE! Please advise!
by Ghost of Esmeralda inmy ex husband just told me that he will continue to facilitate visitation between my child and my jw family who is shunning me (see my other thread "i didn't think they could find another way to hurt me but...") he says i'm the one with the problem and that i should be "ashamed of myself".
it's not like i thought he'd cooperate, but for him to stand there and tell me that he will allow my sister full access to my child and there's not a damn thing i can do (and probably, legally, that's right) makes my blood boil.
makes me just want to swallow every fricking pill in the house.
Truth is we give the JW emotional terrorists to much power. People who are Dfted and shunned need to either play by the demigods rules or cut off contact. You can not reason with terrorists. They will not be ethical because they are immoral. Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" and "Releasing the Bonds." You should. The reason that JW's are afriad to read the books is that they don't want the truth they want to be right. They want to be God. Jehovah Witnesses will do what they can to interject themselves into you life. You can get counciling for you daughter and yourself. You can start to explain what a cult is and what mind control is. And more important what it is not. There are many people even here who can not accept that the Jehovah Witnesses are an evil cult. They don't want to say that because they were once in it. So they make up all kinds of excuses as to what causes them to be the way that they are. They are the way they are because they are evil. And that is the truth. To many people can't face their past so they do nothing to improve their future.
Vicious attacks by JW`S?
by KGB inhas anyone or do you know anyone who has been attacked viciously by a witness because you told them that you thought there religion was a cult or other derogatory remarks against there faith?
Any group who would interfere with the reporting of a crime to authorities or cover it up is not just visious but rabbid. That does not mean that every person is evil as an individual but as a collective is party to the act. Any individual who interfears with the reporting of a crime should be imprisoned. I am talking about Elders or others who use their influence and power to allow a threat to society to remain at large. That person is visious. JW's get away with behavior that would not be tolerated in mainstream society.
People are visious for numerous reasons. But does the need to defend the good name of Jah make some JW's visious? How could anyone with experience honestly say no?
Christians force Wal-mart to ban British 'lad mags'
by ignored_one inhttp://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=403863
i hate the idea of someone decided what i can and can't read.
Network or die is a motto I live by.
If you want the mags there is a thing called the "mail." Even the boondocks of the US they still get it. If it hurts Wallyworld to sell it don't, if it helps your sales do. That is freedom people its not your store and they don't have to care about you or what you want. And you don't have to shop there. If you want the product and they don't want to carry it they loose the sale. Their loss. You could even try to open your own store and sell what you think that people want to buy. I guess there are not enough masterbaters to overwhelm the anti pleasure religious ilk.
And I hate Wallyworld!