Simon, I think he's back. Did you let him back? Please get rid of him again.
Oroborus is YoYoMama?????
by bluesapphire 62 Replies latest jw friends
I would not be surprised blue. Oroborus is obnoxious and self-righteous just like YoYoBozo always was. Sadly some of those loser trolls come back again and again under different aliases for years. Their actions speak volumes for how pathetic their lives are.
I had wondered what became of YoYo.
If you notice the apparently random code associated with each post, you will see that you can do the 'first level' check if you think someones being crafty. This code is based upon the IP number of the posting computer. If the codes of YoYo and Oro match. bingo. If it's not the same and you still think there's something going on, then send a PM to Simon.
Accusing someone of this is all very well if you're right, but you don't even appear to have bothered to make any effort to substansiate your allegations, or make them privately so that you're not slamming someone publicaly without knowing the facts.
Most people would dislike such an allegation if it were made falsely about them.
YoYoMama was a troll, Oro, well, without looking at his posts from memory I'd say it is a different writing style whatever the personality similarities may or may not be.
I am not sure who this YoYo person is but aside from that obnoxious screen name, I don't think I would like to be associated with him or her or whatever.
Just to clarify, My name is Eduardo Leaton Jr., and actually I have been around for a very long time, from early days of H20.
It is true that I am not regular but that is because of demands of work and personal life which doesn't leave me much "free" time to spend visiting or participating in boards like this one.
Just because you don't like me for being somewhat of a defender of JWs and the Organization or because I don't go along with the apparent majority of this board and engage in hateful bashing of Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion doesn't mean you have to berate me or attempt to censor my point of view.
It seems that very often the very people crying about the lack of "freedom of speech" in the Organization are themselves very quick to comdemn alternative viewpoints here in this forum, to socially stigmatize individuals such as myself (w/o having all the facts) by calling us names like "Dub" and "Borg," and to otherwise engage in personal invective whenever they don't agree with what has been said. Instead of having a rational discussion they resort to ad hominem attacks.
And by the way, before anyone goes spewing off and making assumptions about me here are some additional facts you may wish to keep in mind before you comdemn me.
I was raised a JW.
I went to college (before the change in Higher Education) and hold four degrees in public relations, psychology, a Masters in Communications Management and the Juris Doctor. I am a licensed attorney, currently not practicing, doing something else for the government at the moment.
I was baptized 10 years and have been DF'd since Jan 2001.
I am married and have a new daughter.
There are many doctrines, beliefs, (JW) cultural aspects, etc. that I have never fully accepted and many others that I do.
I consider myself a very "balanced individual". I see both good and bad in the Organization.
Maybe none of the above matters to you at all since I am not of the "Anti-JW Borg" that many on this board seem to be part of. But I thought before you seek to disfellowship me that you should have more of the facts.
I went to college (before the change in Higher Education) and hold four degrees in public relations, psychology, a Masters in Communications Management and the Juris Doctor. I am a licensed attorney, currently not practicing, doing something else for the government at the moment.
Must be nice.
"""Just because you don't like me for being somewhat of a defender of JWs and the Organization or because I don't go along with the apparent majority of this board and engage in hateful bashing of Jehovah's Witnesses and their religion doesn't mean you have to berate me or attempt to censor my point of view.
It seems that very often the very people crying about the lack of "freedom of speech" in the Organization are themselves very quick to comdemn alternative viewpoints here in this forum, to socially stigmatize individuals such as myself (w/o having all the facts) by calling us names like "Dub" and "Borg," and to otherwise engage in personal invective whenever they don't agree with what has been said. Instead of having a rational discussion they resort to ad hominem attacks."""
You know, he has a very valid point(s) to consider.....
You know, he has a very valid point(s) to consider.....
i was just thinking the same thing. then i figured id better go back and read some of his past posts to get a better idea....and as of yet (ive only read a couple handfuls) i havent found anything deserving of the "troll" title....but i havent read them all, so i could be wrong. i have often privately felt that some are treated way too harshly on this board simply because they still hold on to some jw beliefs, and still argue them. you would think that most people coming out of the organization would fully understand holding on to ingrained beliefs.....why treat someone like a "brainwashed dub" simply because of that? why not argue the points you wish to argue respectfully, instead of treating the person like a complete idiot? he doesnt hold the exact same beliefs about the jws that the majority of the posters on this site condemn him and all of his opinions blanketly? i dont understand it, and i think its unfortunate. again, id have to do more reading to determine who normally starts the "attacking" language in these discussions, so maybe im way off base here...........just my two cents anyhow.
ps......doing a quick check, it looks like yoyo always posted from the same ip address, even with his other handles (mavman, etc.), and that ip doesnt match the ip for oroborus.
Yes, he does.
However, this is a board with many people whom have had their lives terribly damaged by this religion, and it would be strange not to have persons feel this way about the religion.
Believe it or not, I still support many beliefs about the bible, brought to light to me via the WT. And, lots I don't.
I hope that you still keep posting here, Oroborus. Differing beliefs are good!
Thanks for the introduction. I am very appreciative of the fact that defenders of the JWs post here. In truth, they add exactly the vibrancy that this forum seems to "want", imo. By "want," I refer to the fact that when a JW posts, it nearly guarantees more than the normal amount of active interaction. Granted, a lot of immature JWs seem to revel in wasting everyone's time in arguments that never prove substantial, but those who don't want them here can pretty easily ignore them. I'm guessing that we exJWs have even made the problem worse for ourselves here, because our immature and bullying attacks on JWs who post, almost guarantees that only immature and bullying JWs will survive that kind of onslaught.
As Thi-Chi said, there's too often a bit of hypocrisy in the idea that ex-JWs should have the exclusive right to discuss opnions without having them questioned by JWs. Another issue is that exJWs, even if they seem vindictive, in reality just don't want to ever have to face what they now perceive as disgraceful and hypocritical condemnation. Why should they have to?
I can give many good examples of why I really welcome JW dialog here. One of the best examples going on at the moment is over on the thread:
There's a JW over there flaunting his degrees ("scholar") who tries to debunk any date except 607BCE for the fall of Jerusalem. He presents himself as nearly the best that JWs have to offer who specializes in this subject. Yet, as often as he's tried, he is still living proof that the JWs can't answer even simple questions on the subject. Sometimes he shows good intentions, but ultimately gets very frustrated and lashes out (or back) rather than answer even one question substantively. For me that's a powerful message for JWs who also might be questioning the JWs lynchpin date formula: -607+1+2520=1914.
So if you know of any who might come, please invite LOTS and LOTS of JWs to this forum. We promise to start treating them better.