God did not create evil, and he does not tempt men with evil. Evil... death... the propensity to commit evil... just IS. Darkness/death existed, but did not have a foothold to enter the life that God had separated from the darkness - light being life/christ. Not until Adam granted it entrance by sinning and eating of it. (bringing sin and death into him, and into the world)
Wow.... you are claiming that "evil" or "darkness" is eternal, like God, and that Christ had a beginning. You have it backwards. Darkness had a beginning and Christ is eternal.
But yes, I do know a better way. Christ.
Oh jeez. Learn what Christ is first, THEN preach your "way."
They could have listened to God, and grown as God taught them (as we can grow as Christ teaches us now )... but they chose another way. The hard way. Same as some children will listen to the moms (or dads) when they are told not to touch something that will hurt them. Depends upon the faith and love the child has for the parent. Most will learn the hard way though.
I got some bad news for you, there is only the hard way. No pain NO gain.