After making mankind, God declared ALL of his handiwork as "very good". If so, and humanity and the animals/plants got so off-track in such a short period of time after creating them, then God is not a good judge of His own work, as he's seemingly unable to quality-check his own work?
The serpent in Genesis is one of the "wild animals" you are referring to (the wisest of them). According to Christian theology, as per the Book of Revelation, the "dragon" is the "original serpent" of Genesis. Therefore, if you are a Christian, you believe that the serpent in Genesis is a spirit creature because the devil is a spirit. How then, is a spirit creature called a "wild animal"?
You, as well as many Christians today, have incorrectly identified the "animals of Genesis" as the ancestors of our modern day animal kingdom. The "animals" of Genesis are at least in part, spirit creatures. What are spirit creatures? That is a subject under intense debate. My point being that if you think that the "animals" of genesis represent animals of today, you are following a false trail setup by packs of decievers. The Garden of Eden is a spiritual place, not physical which is why it's described in allegory.
Nope, you don't understand what sin is, AND you don't understand the theological concepts of Divine Will vs mankind's free will, as understood by most theologians, since the act of eating the fruit WASN'T a choice made by exercising free will. In fact, it was the ONLY action they could've done in the Garden which WASN'T a free will choice, since God had already told them, "Thou Shalt Not Eat of the Fruit of the TOKOG&E".
Adam and his wife always had free will from the moment they opened their eyes, as the "image of God" they were designed with it.
Nonsense. The Genesis account specificially describes Noah as a "righteous" man, not WICKED, since he was hand-picked by YHWH to institute the first system of justice upon the Earth, after the Flood. The humans who were wiped out in the Flood were described as 'wicked' and 'with evil in their hearts', but killing them was just the first step of God's solution of the Flood.
The account explicitly states that ALL humans on earth were wicked which would include Noah. Then it goes on to say that Noah was righteous in that he was "blameless among his people." The writers are giving us a definition of a righteous person which is determined by how they measure up with their contemporaries. Noah WAS wicked as Genesis states that all humans are evil from birth, which would include Noah (Genesis 8:21). Like I said, you need a lot more study, you have drawn conclusions without doing any real research.
Yeah, problem is, have you forgotten that I'm an ATHEIST, an ex-believer? That scripture applies to YOU, if you still believe in God.
You believe being an atheist excludes you from any scripture that applies to false teachers? That's funny.
You've already lost this "debate"
Only in your mind, my friend.