How do believers defend a god who is going to murder billions and pin it on them?

by tootired2care 327 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tootired2care
    At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground. - Jerimiah 25:33
    ...when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven. He will come with his mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don’t know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus. 2 Thess 1:7-8
    When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. - Ezekiel 3:18

    For those that still believe the bible, the scriptures quoted above clearly show that the bible promises a mass murder of billions and yet the god of the bible is going to pin it on those that try to follow him. This thinking apparentely still existed after Jesus 'great sacrafice' because Paul stated that he was free of the blood of men because he did nothing but preach in his works based faith.

    So in essense by being a believer you are going to get blamed for gods campaign of mass murder. I think of the many lands that don't have any clue about Christianity, who "do not know [your] god" are going to be destroyed according to these texts. Not being a believer myself anymore I find these teachings vile and repulsive now.

    How do believers still reconcile this in 2013?

    Moreover, how is it even possible to live a peaceful and happy existence with such a great cloud of guilt constantly hanging overhead?

  • ThomasCovenant


    They are as guilty as the god they worship.

  • tec

    A few points if I may, TT2C:

    - You are connecting things that might not be connected.

    - In the OT, often God was attributed with having killed someone when it is either a natural consequence being warned against, or a consequence of actions (such as wars, etc)

    - Christ does come and invite some into the kingdom, and send some away. Those who might say, "lord, lord, did we not...", and Christ says, 'Away from me, you evildoers... I never knew you."

    That would be those who claim to belong to Him, but it is their claim only, and Christ never knew them.

    - "You will surely die"... is not the same as... "I will kill you".

    Not warning someone if you are told to warn them about danger or possible death... makes you somewhat accountable even by 'human' standards.

    So your conclusion is not so clearly shown, whether someone believes in the bible or not:

    For those that still believe the bible, the scriptures quoted above clearly show that the bible promises a mass murder of billions and yet the god of the bible is going to pin it on those that try to follow him.

    God also warns, and teaches, and does so through His Son now... so that what man does to his fellow man is upon man, and not God.

    (Also, Paul was bloodguilty... if you recall Stephen and others he persecuted; and then spent his life 'suffering for the name of Christ' as he had made others suffer for the name of Christ)

    Those who belong to Christ are resurrected when He returns. Those who do not know Him, but are known BY Him, are also invited into the kingdom. (not as kings and priests, but as subjects of the kingdom) The sheep and the goats parable shows this. (matt 25:31-46) They are invited in because of the good they did to Christ, by doing to even the least of these brothers of mine.

    As well: By the measure you use, it will be used against you. (showed mercy and forgiveness to all... that is the measure that would be used against you) (judged others... that is the measure that will be used against you)

    Then also by the second resurrection... all the dead are called out of the graves... and there are those among them whose names are written in the lamb's book of life - but these cannot be 'Christians', because all Christians were given the first resurrection - not just those who call themselves christians, but who ARE christians by having been annointed with holy spirit/baptized by fire. All of those who were the brothers of Christ (christians) were caught up with Christ in the first resurrection: those who had fallen asleep AND those who are still alive when Christ returns.

    Showing that there are more than just Christians in the Kingdom.

    Peace to you,


  • ThomasCovenant


    Do you worship the god that allowed or caused a she bear to kill children?

  • tec

    I worship the Father of Christ, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; who is known through Christ

    And I'm not so sure that even happened... at least as it is currently written/translated.



    Moreover, how is it even possible to live a peaceful and happy existence with such a great cloud of guilt constantly hanging overhead?

    It was God that Killed Them..

    ...................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • ThomasCovenant


    Can you not see how it may be easy for me to despise someone who would worship a god that allowed/caused a she bear to kill children?

    If, that is, they chose to believe those particular few sentences in a book known today as the Bible.

  • adamah
    When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. - Ezekiel 3:18


    Ezekiel is saying that the Hebrews had a duty to warn their fellow Jews, and if they DIDN'T warn the sinner, God would hold the one(s) who knew of the sins but didn't tell the sinner to "knock it off!" accountable for the sinner's death. The Jews had a sense of communal/corporate responsibility for sins, were even entire TOWNS were wiped out on the basis of the sins of the individuals (eg Sodom). Heck, the threat was that the sins of the few would lead to the ENTIRE NATION being "vomited out of the Promised Land" if they didn't render proper justice. Anyone who remembers the teacher holding the ENTIRE CLASS accountable for the misdeeds of the few by eg cancelling a field trip, can understand the concept.

    Remember Noah? Unlike the later Christian claim, Noah didn't preach salvation, but COMDEMNATION: God had already passed judgment and sentenced the entire Earth to death, even BEFORE telling Noah to make the Ark. The entire World paid for the sins (even the animals and plants!), and God's policy was, "Kill them all, and let ME sort them out..."

    Abraham negotiating with God to spare Sodom if only 'X' righteous men were found inside (where Abraham got Got to agree to saving Sodom if 10 righteous men were found, starting from 50). So great, but what if there were 9 righteous men? Answer: it sucks to be a righteous person living in Sodom, that's what, as they die along with the sinners of Sodom EVEN THOUGH they were "righteous"!

    Worse, is the account says Lot was saved NOT due to HIS own righteousness, but on account of the deeds of his do-gooder Abraham: the Jews believed in a concept of transferrable merit, too.

    However, passing judgment against entire TOWNS was just the way judgment was doled out in ancient Israel (and even Jesus spoke of cities being condemned based on the reaction to his message), and it was only later than the idea of standing before God on the basis of one's individual merits was introduced into Christianity, via the ancient Egyptian beliefs of standing before Ra and having one's heart weighed (where the heart was thought to carry out the role of the brain (thinking), but you could buy a scarab which promised to not have one's heart tattle-tale on you).

    I've written articles on Lot and Noah on my blog, but yeah, the idea of God carrying out Armageddon after a person is given due notice by a JW offering salvation is NOT found in the OT itself, but is based on scripture-twisting of the Torah provided by the fraudulent writings of 2nd Peter (the last edition of the NT canon, and widely recognized by NT scholars as a fraud).


  • tec
    Can you not see how it may be easy for me to despise someone who would worship a god that allowed/caused a she bear to kill children?
    If, that is, they chose to believe those particular few sentences in a book known today as the Bible.

    Maybe. I guess that depends on you. But i think that some/many people who worship the God of Abraham, even the Father of Christ... will expect that if the story seems unjust, that there is something they are not seeing or something that they are misunderstanding about it. Even if that is just that something was attributed TO God, that was NOT God.



  • adamah
    Moreover, how is it even possible to live a peaceful and happy existence with such a great cloud of guilt constantly hanging overhead?

    I hear Panda Petting is supposed to be a very therapeutic means to alleviate guilt?



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