Don't you care at least a little BIT about reality, i.e. what is really REAL? I prefer living MY life based on reality, not just a wishful comforting fantasy that only makes ME feel good. Didn't you learn the lesson of the dangers of chasing after a fantasy while in the JWs?
Since my brain is capable of creating my own reality I set a higher priority on manifesting it myself rather than trying to figure out what it is. God is a not a fantasy, that's just the reality you create for yourself. I personally want nothing to do with it, but you are free to have it.
Now you're arguing from an ends-based (teleological) justication, saying "Don't challenge my God belief with facts, and maybe it's possible that it IS a fantasy, but just let me enjoy my fantasy/delusion in peace, because I ENJOY it so...." REALLY? Again: don't you CARE one bit about reality?
You haven't challenged me with THE facts, you have challenged me with YOUR facts. Simply put there is no objective reality. What is a fact to you is not necessarily a fact to me. Your fact gathering process has the nasty habbit of missing a lot of them. I must admit, however, that my process is just as flawed.
My fact is that God exists.
Your fact is that God doesn't exist.
Both parties can now argue from a foundation of "reality" even though both perspectives are diametrically opposed. Two particles can exist in two places at once.
The problem is believers aren't content to keep their beliefs to themselves, but engage in recruiting others (knocking on doors, etc), forming political organizations/action groups, trying to force their beliefs down MY throat, controlling school curricula for creation science, voting for God-fearing candidates, etc.
You should not return evil for evil, which is exactly what you are doing. You are very correct that it's wrong to force one's reality upon another, because human reality is subjective. Insisting upon others ANY human reality as wholly objective is nothing short of oppression.
There is a difference between our approaches. I can plainly tell you that my reality is MY reality, not yours. You, on the other hand, will claim that your reality is supported by "the facts" and "the evidence." The truth is you can't have reality without facts and evidence. So, everybody's reality is made up of facts and evidences. Yours is no different than mine. In your reality I am just a crazy person who cannot let go of their fears. At best you will pity me. In my reality that's OK, you are free to see the world in the way that you see the world. I see it differently.
Yeah, and that's an "appeal to tradition" argument. Take a logic course at your local community college, and learn it's potential flaws.
I didn't appeal to any tradtion, I pointed to my collegues in history. Remember Religion is a scientific experiment that has been going on for a very, VERY long time now. I am part of a peer review process that you don't believe exists. You want to package up all their data into the term "tradition" and then toss it over a dam. You don't want to believe that Religion has anything to teach us. That's fine, that's YOUR reality. I see it differently.
You are claiming that ancient laws are BETTER than NEW laws.
Absolutely I am. Ancient laws were an artform and based on what was observed. The Torah was designed to create a flourishing peaceful nation that existed among diametrically opposed forces. What if you opened up your constitution and it started with a fable, which taught a bunch of timeless moral lessons? I, for one, LIKE that idea of combining art with law. It's amazing and better than anything we have today. I wish MORE people in government thought like the writers of the Torah, I really do.
Wake up and realize the World has moved beyond Bible-based morality CENTURIES AGO, and the sky didn't fall in.
I guess you haven't been watching the news? I think it's you who need to wake up.
You're holding onto an ancient book that still advocates slavery, thought control, etc, and it's time to admit while it has some good in it, it's NOT God-given or inspired, but merely the product of ancient clever men where it served a purpose in THEIR time, but modern concepts of granting fundamental human rights to all have moved well-beyond it.
So you are throwing the Law of Moses away? That's what happened in the Hebrew Scriptures and King Josiah had to reestablish the law, then he was assassinated by an Egyptian Pharaoh. To the Torah, and the powers behind it, you are just playing a very old game.