My goodness...my heart goes out to you and to that mother. How very sad.
You're right. Something like that makes you realize just how good our lives really are in the scheme of things.
i'm praying i'm not breaking any confidentialities here, but early this morning i got paged to attend a case in another part of the hospital of a woman who had mis-carried at 18 weeks.
i think in 12 years since being qualified i have never come up against anything so heart-wrenching.
just how do you cope/help with a couple trying to comprehend this?.
My goodness...my heart goes out to you and to that mother. How very sad.
You're right. Something like that makes you realize just how good our lives really are in the scheme of things.
did you ever reach a point where you don't have anything left to say and are unable to start any decent threads?
maybe it's the nice warm weather that just arrivied in quebec.
83f today or i need a break to re-energize my mind.
JH...welcome back although I hardly had a chance to say "see you in the fall"
Personally, I'm glad you're staying.
we datewe marrywe divorcewe put a personal ad out there and we start it all over again.
are we scared well be hurt?
weve all been hurt.
((Introspection)) - You hit the nail on the head there. Thank you so much for your insight.
All relationships are going to be different - it's just whatever works.
That is so true. What works with one may not work with another. But like you said...
...just to know yourself, and then you just need to be honest in dealing with others, to have a measure of integrity.
Exactly!! Honesty. Integrity. Those are key elements.
Thank you again...and it's a pleasure to meet you.
we datewe marrywe divorcewe put a personal ad out there and we start it all over again.
are we scared well be hurt?
weve all been hurt.
You and Neil are very lucky. Congratulations on finding each other. May your lives together be filled with joy, laughter and love.
You're right...Life is good
we datewe marrywe divorcewe put a personal ad out there and we start it all over again.
are we scared well be hurt?
weve all been hurt.
pr - Thank you so much for your thoughts. It's a pleasure to meet you.
I know what you mean about sharing things with someone. I also understand about being fine living single. Quite a complicated world we live in, isn't it? Keep searching...never give up.
You little ol' romantic you. Yes...there must be a spark. Definitely. There is someone who I've been seeing that has told me that he loves me and would make me happy all the days of my life. But if I were to say "yes" to that then I would be lying to myself and the relationship would be a lie. I won't do that. My heart belongs to another and he knows that. I've been very honest with this man.
Robyn, like you I'm a romantic at heart. I've often told people that "nothing bad happens in the pink bubble". Silly, yes I know. But there are some days when it's all I have to get me through the day.
I've given that part of my heart and that scares me. But I'm here to tell you, I don't regret it. If I'm going to really live life, I can't hold back. You have to take the good with the bad. It's all a risk. Every last bit of it. If you don't put it out there...give it all you've got...then you're missing out on a world of delights.
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I appreciate it.
well, i arrived at mcdonalds and took the interview today at 4:30 pm est and the manager can only offer me 15 hrs a week for $6.00 an hr.
which i think the pay is lower than what i am making from my unemployment benefits which is 141.00 a week after taxes.
i'm gonna contact the unemployment office and ask if i can still continue to receive my benefits despite of the 15 hrs a week being offered.. then i went to mcl cafeteria for the interview and i explained to the manager at the begining that i am hearing-impaired which seemed to made him irk at me.
Yizuman - Congratulations on making it through the interviews. They can be very stressful. Something will turn up soon. You just keep on putting yourself out there.
You're going to be just fine.
some people look younger than their age and also feel younger than their age.
and some people look and act older than their age.
although i'm 43, i feel like 25. i do the same things and think the same way as i did then, but with a bit more experience which helps me not to repeat certain errors of life.
I feel I'm doing pretty good for my age. People don't believe me when I tell them my age which just tickles me to no end.
48 and goin' strong...
see this section?
it is called friends.
an earlier referencing stinkypants to a bowel movement in another thread is not appreciated, in fact not welcome here.
Well said
Nice to meet you Maria...
we datewe marrywe divorcewe put a personal ad out there and we start it all over again.
are we scared well be hurt?
weve all been hurt.
Reborn -
I agree. Each person is an individual and there are several factors that will impact their response. Add to that the other individual and all they bring to the relationship, it's no wonder that things can get complicated.
I don't believe that we are "hard-wired" to have a spouse. I can be perfectly happy without a spouse. I'm doing that now. The only person that can complete me is me. There are times that it would be nice to have someone to share things. That's a given. But, don't you feel better when you know that your company brings someone joy...that they want to be with you?