Welcome to the board!!
We're glad you're here.
Welcome to the board!!
We're glad you're here.
well, technically, yes...the move is over.
i'm to the unpacking the multitude of boxes that made the journey across town.
i should be just happy as a clam.
Nina -
Lunch Sunday was just what I needed. Good company...good conversation...good food.
More blessings to count.
p.s. We'll have that dinner party soon!
well, technically, yes...the move is over.
i'm to the unpacking the multitude of boxes that made the journey across town.
i should be just happy as a clam.
You are so right. There are so many blessings to count. We just have to stop from time to time and look at them. Life is good.
You are such a sweetie! Tex-Mex is my favorite comfort food. See there...another blessing. And a nap? You spoil me. Another blessing.
How they do add up...
Thank you both
well, technically, yes...the move is over.
i'm to the unpacking the multitude of boxes that made the journey across town.
i should be just happy as a clam.
Inquiry -
You know...that sounds like a darn fine idea. Come to think of it..there is beer in the icebox.
Thanks for the thoughts and kind words.
population on earth (figures in 1999).
if we compare the population to a hundred people in a little town ... this is how it would look like.. 57 asian .
21 europeans .
Thank you for this thread. I knew that I was better off in this ol'world that I was feeling today.
If I haven't said it already...Welcome!!
well, technically, yes...the move is over.
i'm to the unpacking the multitude of boxes that made the journey across town.
i should be just happy as a clam.
Well, technically, yes...the move is over. I'm to the unpacking the multitude of boxes that made the journey across town. I should be just happy as a clam. (Can anyone tell me how one knows a clam is happy?) New place, closer to work, a new canvas to decorate, new patio for the plants. Life is good. Yes, life is good. So why is it that I'm sitting at my desk at work with tears streaming down my face?? One reason is probably (more than likely) fatigue. The other would be that not one thing in this move has gone according to plan.
I was supposed to move on a Saturday. The movers were to be there around noon. Around noon my cell phone rings. I gave them that number to contact me because the home number was to be disconnected on Friday. The movers are on the line explaining that they would be a little later than expected...about an hour. Not a problem. This gives me more time to keep packing. As expected the hour passes and the cell phone rings. Can you tell where this is going? You guess it. More delays. Now, comes the decision do I wait for them another three hours or do we try to find a team for Sunday...?? Much to my displeasure but on the advice of wise counsel, I opt for the new team on Sunday. I now have to drive to the new place and pick up the overnight stuff I had dropped there earlier so I could have the things I need for the first night in the new place. My bed was broken down to make the move faster. So, no bed to sleep in that night. Everything is packed. All I can do is wait for the movers to show up at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. The dawn rises and lo an' behold the movers are there on time with fresh legs. The project move time was 3 - 5 hours. We started at 8:30 a.m. We finished at 6:30 p.m. There was the travel time and the time for lunch. But, yes, it was an all day affair. This additional time means additional costs. The move costed me double what I budgeted. I really did get weak and feel faint when he gave me the total. Oh well, whatcha gonna do?
The next week, each night was unpacking. Work all day...go home work till late...get up and do it all over again. Things seem to be progressing. There's hope. Have a little fun on the weekend and come home to no dialtone in the apartment. Call the 24/7 repair line and enter a trouble ticket.
Now, the DSL had a target date of Aug 11. GREAT!! See Arrowstar do the happybackonlinedance. Computer's set up...ready to go...and nothing. Not to worry, hon. We can fix this. So, I wait a couple of days because I understand that a target date is not a "true" date. Call SBC Tech Support and reach the village idiot. I was so angry I had to give the phone to someone else to complete the call. They tell me that the alarm system could be causing the trouble and to check with the apartment complex. At lunch the next day I drive over here and find out that "No. The alarm does not impact the DSL because we have several here who have DSL and did not have to disconnect the alarm system" Call SBC back and get a someone with a brain. Seems I've had DSL since Aug 11. The work order was completed but when we test the modem in the other phone jacks it's only in the kitchen. Who the heck has DSL in their kitchen?? Now I'm advised to contact the local telephone company and have someone come out to check the line. These calls went back and forth for a week. Everywhere I turned I hit a wall. My frustration level got to a level I haven't seen in years. Let me assure you ...it's not a pretty sight. Finally, the local telephone repairmen were scheduled to come out on Saturday sometime between 8 - 4pm. Guess what they found? No dialtone in the upstairs jack. One of the repairmen was the gentleman who was out Monday to work the "no dialtone" ticket I put in on Sunday.
Well, we have internet. We get online. We get the Blaster Worm. It becomes a race between me trying to get the patch and the worm re-booting my computer. This goes on WAY too long. But finally I defeat the worm. Not really, something is still wrong but at least the rebooting has stopped.
I had my son this weekend. I haven't seen him in damn near a month and this will be his first time at the new place. All I wanted was his room ready and the internet up so he could play his games online. Part of getting his room ready was unpacking all the books and movies. We have a collection of Godzilla movies. I can't find that box. I clearly labelled it so that I could find it. It's seems to have poofed in the move. It's not in his room. It's nowhere to be found. It's got to be in the garage. It's only 109F outside..let's go look in the garage. I can't find it. CRAP!! (here comes the panic and fret monster) Oh well...at least he'll have the internet. Oh no...see one of the problems is that you can't open some links. You can go to CartoonNetwork.com. Place your mouse over the link...click...get the hourglass...and nothing. Nothing. No matter how many times you try...nothing.
My son's bedroom is below my bathroom. (We've got a 2 story townhouse floorplan). Earlier in the week I had put in a request at the apartment complex to fix the handle (dial) in my shower since it would come off in your hand. They fixed it. Terrific!! Oh no...they may have fixed it from coming off in your hand but they forgot to re-seal it. Everytime I took a shower upstairs it was leaking onto the furniture in my son's room. I now have water damaged furniture. Someone tell me again that life is good. I report this on Sunday around noon. I use the downstairs bath and discover early Monday morning that tiny water droplets can scald naked flesh. Trust me on this..it's not the best way to start your work week. I call again on Monday to see what's been done. I just got verification that the problem was indeed fixed. The part-time help that took the repair order on Sunday apparently doesn't have the brains to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. But it's taken care of now. Maybe I can fix the furniture.
I know that it's just ironing out the kinks. But I'm tired. I'm beaten down. My spirit has left town and headed south. This too will pass. I will rally. I always do.
There is always a positive. Let's review. I have a pulse (good thing). I have a beautiful son (good thing). I have a job (good thing). I have good friends who do their ever lovin' best to cheer me (very good thing). And I have y'all to make me laugh...to let me rant...to invite me to join you for lunch (thank you again..It was just what I needed)...I can't thank you enough.
Arrowstar of the "once more from the top...5..6..7..8"
over the weekend, i hit the big 2-2!.
gifts can be given to me in denominations of $50.
afterwards, everybody can come over to my house and we can get wasted!
Twenty-two?? wow...
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
that's right....recommend a book...any book that would be a good read....... mine's is:.
invisible man by ralph ellison
Anyone up for a good laugh...
The Sweeto Potato Queens Book of Love by Jill Connor Browne.
-always has a raincloud raining on my parade but because i'm either too dumb, or, optimistic always sees the rainbow just behind it.. -has really crappy handwriting but figures everyone can read it.. -drives way too fast.. -stays up too late and wonders why everyone else looks so refreshed.
-eats more sushi than sandwiches.. -is terribly afraid of stupid things, like mice and...well, mice!
what kind of person are you?
- gives without holding back
- believes the good in everyone (which had bitten me in the ass more than once)
- makes things happen
- nurtures
- has what's been called "an infectious laugh"
- re-folds the hand towels in the bathroom if they don't "look" right (OCB?...nah)
- can throw a great birthday/dinner party
- can't wait for hockey season to start
- deeply appreciates the good people here for making her feel so welcome
- really needs to get back to work...
i use to hate kissing.
i was a virgin until i was 19 and married.
i hadnt had a chance to experiment with kissing in my teenage years.
SixofNine -
There, there hon. I'm sure he meant it at the time.
Pull yourself together, man!