Here I thought a stairmaster was the key to losin' my ass....that or reckless gambling.
This is SO much better!!!
Thanks Az!!
Arrowstar of the laughing so hard I'm wheezing class
just been playing with my new pc.
a friend gave me a program called yzdock.
it's a neat menu system / navigator (you can see it at the bottom of my win xp desktop) . funny!!
Here I thought a stairmaster was the key to losin' my ass....that or reckless gambling.
This is SO much better!!!
Thanks Az!!
Arrowstar of the laughing so hard I'm wheezing class
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
Aztec -
Don't you just love it? Just singing along and car-dancing. son car-dances.
I have taught him well my young Skywalker.....
Az...I'm beginning to think we're twin sisters of different mothers.
(((AZTEC))) ROCK!!
just been playing with my new pc.
a friend gave me a program called yzdock.
it's a neat menu system / navigator (you can see it at the bottom of my win xp desktop) .
I just love opening this thread and looking at Mike Modano....*dreamy sigh*
Aztec -
~Aztec newly assless class
huh?? girl you got some splainin' to do
lets say that you had the chance to have an actors career, which would you choose?.
not being the actor himself/ herself, but rather their career.. i think i would choose, in order:.
1) harrison ford.
Bette Davis
Vivian Leigh
Katherine Hepburn
Helen Hayes & Jessica Tandy from the Broadway stage
don't know if anyone posted this yet, but one of my favorite actresses passed away:.
katherine hepburn.
i loved her confidence and style.
You're the first to post it. I just saw it on the news.
What a sad day. What an actress...and what a woman.
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
I love driving in the car with my son (13) and singing along together. There are several songs we sing together. Fine Young Cannibals "She Drives Me Crazy"....Will Smith's "Wild Wild West" that's a trip...let me tell you...
This has been such a fun thread. Thank you.
I too used to say "I'm sorry" too much. Somehow, I felt that anything that displeased anyone was somehow my responsibility.
It took a while and a lot of reaching inward plus a lot of people supporting me but I came to realize that the only thing I can control is myself and how I respond.
Lady Lee has some great advice there on turning a phrase around. Well done!!
Dear, this will pass. You are a wonderful person with much to offer. There is no reason for you to apologize. It's just a rough time for you now. There are good people here with sage advise. You'll get many ideas and perspectives. Some will be of help to you.
just been playing with my new pc.
a friend gave me a program called yzdock.
it's a neat menu system / navigator (you can see it at the bottom of my win xp desktop) .
*kicking the computer under the desk*
*grumble grumble grumble*
Still can't see it!!
you got 5 out of a possible 16 answers correct.. not too bad for a canadian
Thirteen out of Sixteen....
not bad for an old broad...
just been playing with my new pc.
a friend gave me a program called yzdock.
it's a neat menu system / navigator (you can see it at the bottom of my win xp desktop) .
Aztec -
that's a lovely red x...what happened??