I'm Sorry

by berylblue 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    "I'm sorry."

    I counted how many times I've said that today. As best I can remember, it's 15 times.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make so much noise."

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on the phone, I would have stopped playing piano."

    "I'm sorry, Justin. I didn't know Dee was sleeping or I wouldn't have phoned."

    I'm sorry, ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

    (I'm sorry if I'm misuing those words.)

    What is there left to say about a woman who is so sorry about just being alive and inconveniencing people with her presence?

    It's rather pathetic.

    I'm sorry.

  • SheilaM

    Beryl: I over apologize to ((((((Beryl))))))) Don't feel that way please

  • JH

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if you keep on saying I'm sorry, you'll be sorry.

  • Scully

    Are you sure you aren't Canadian?

    Love, Scully (who totally "gets" what you're saying)

  • berylblue
    Are you sure you aren't Canadian?

    Sorry, don't understand why you said that.

    What I'm trying to say is that I'm so very tired of apologizing for being alive, for inconveniencing people. I know it's wrong and immature to feel this way, but that's the way I was raised. Hell, I starved myself down to 67 pounds in order to be invisible. It worked. My parents didn't notice I'd lost half my body weight. A nun told them...See, I were invisible, that would be the ultimate apology. If I ceased to exist, I wouldn't annoy people anymore. That's the way I saw it.

    Anyway, this is leading in to...

    "Jehovah has chosen you. You are on the narrow road. Everyone else is on the road to destruction. You are special . You listened to Jehovah. Just play by the rules, Jehovah will love you. Just don't step out of line. Then you'll be special. Don't do anything you'll regret."

    And suddenly , I am saying "I am sorry" to the WTS when I do the wrong things, as well as everyone else, because I want to be special. I do all kinds of things I regret instantly. I do so want not to be invisble anymore, but I still No one sees me, but at least Jehovah did. He saw me, and he thinks I"m special."

    "The decision of the Judicial Committee is to disfellowship you."

    No matter how many times I said I'm sorry, I am now out. I am not special. I'm worse than invisible, I'm condemned. No matter how much I say I'm sorry. It doesn't matter. Because....

    Not only am I not special, I'm condemned to a terrible death at Armegeddon.

    Now I read Crisis of Conscience.

    I was never special in the first place.

    And I'm just terribly, terribly sorry.

  • Robdar

    Apology not accepted, my sweet. There was no reason to say you were sorry to begin with. I am sure that the people in your life are not sorry to have you around. I know I'm not.



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I used to say "I'm sorry" all the time

    I'm sorry for breathing

    Well I heard someone one day whose "I'm sorry"s drove me crazy.

    And I worked on it. Now if I do something wrong then I apologize. Otherwise I don't take responsibility for other people's crap

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make so much noise."

    I didn't realize I was making so much noise ot that it was bothering you

    "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were on the phone, I would have stopped playing piano."

    Why didn't you let me know you were on the phone. I could have waited to play the piano

    "I'm sorry, Justin. I didn't know Dee was sleeping or I wouldn't have phoned."

    Oh I had no way to know Dee was sleeping I can call later or have her call me

    I have practiced all these new non-sorry responses. Works pretty good although I do slip sometimes

    I'm sorry if this steps over the line

  • kgfreeperson

    Well, first I want to say I can't figure out how to avoid saying "I'm sorry" that you live feeling obliged to apologize to the world for being alive. That is so painful. But I also want to say that you need to go stand over there by Big Tex so we can be more efficient in our encouragement of you two to write more, and to write thinking of publication. Your post captured so succinctly and with such power exactly where you are that it brought tears to my eyes.

  • arrowstar

    I too used to say "I'm sorry" too much. Somehow, I felt that anything that displeased anyone was somehow my responsibility.

    It took a while and a lot of reaching inward plus a lot of people supporting me but I came to realize that the only thing I can control is myself and how I respond.

    Lady Lee has some great advice there on turning a phrase around. Well done!!

    Dear, this will pass. You are a wonderful person with much to offer. There is no reason for you to apologize. It's just a rough time for you now. There are good people here with sage advise. You'll get many ideas and perspectives. Some will be of help to you.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Beryl the Canadian thing is a joke because Canadians tedn to apologize a lot

    Sweetie Sad to say but everything you were taught was a lie. You are not wrong for believing it. They are wrong for teaching it

    This means

    you will not die at Armagedon for not being a JW.

    We will not reject you

    and I really believe (as confused as I am about this whole God thing) that there is a difference between God knowing you are special and all the crap the WTS teaches.

    It will take some time to separate them but you will

    You are special

    and we know it

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