Shamus -
I feel your pain!!
You'll get through this and your place is going to be GREAT!!
Here's to ya!!
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Shamus -
I feel your pain!!
You'll get through this and your place is going to be GREAT!!
Here's to ya!!
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Thank you...this will indeed pass and it will be better.
Out of chaos will come beauty
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
((Andi)) ((little witch))
Thank you both. What is it that they say...Keep your eye on the goal not the obstacles?
I swear I should stitch that on a pillow or something.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Emma -
How sweet of you. Thank you so much.
You're right. When it's all said and done, I'm going to look back and wonder "What was I thinking?!?!"
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Thanks sweetie. I'll remember can count on it.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Craig -
I never forget my Southern upbringin'...always see to the needs of others before yourself.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Before I begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine. I just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.
As some of you know, I'll be moving to a new apartment on Saturday. This came about because where I'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means. I can't afford to stay there any longer. I've found a very nice place and it's going to be lovely when I get everything in order. What is getting to me is the money, the packing, the movers, the transfer of utilities, the packing, the clock ticking, the money, the packing...I'm worn out. Plain and simple. I work at the office...I come home and work toward the move...I get up in the morning and do it all again.
I was having a "brat" moment earlier this morning. All I wanted to do was stomp my feet and yell "I DON'T WANNA DO IT ANYMORE!!" Well, that and 60 cents will buy you a Dr Pepper for all the good it will do to be a brat.
I just want this weekend over. Everything I counted on has fallen by the wayside and the only thing I can really count on is me. Isn't that how it always is? Please don't get me wrong...I'm going to have some help and thank the moving gods for that...but no one can get me through this time but me. Does that even make sense?
oh well...enough of this babbling. We now return you to our regular programming...
at least i am giving it a try.. i have had some minor surgery.
nothing to worry about, but it put me out of physical action for the last two weeks.
this gave me lots of time to think and browse this forum.
Take care and may you find what you seek.
*jumpin' up and down*
i experienced a situation not to long ago and was left wondering.
if you that you rathers would you rather have an insincere apology or none at all?
i find myself left with a kinda sick pissed-off feeling when i get a "i'm sorry but....this is why blah blah blah" what do you think??
If it's not a sincere apology, then it's just hot air. Don't waste my time or yours.