Just what were you lookin' for? This thread is nearly a month old.
It's a beautiful thread...thank you again Sandy
this one's for the girls.
this is for all you girls about twenty-five.
this ones for the girls.
Just what were you lookin' for? This thread is nearly a month old.
It's a beautiful thread...thank you again Sandy
simon, it finally worked....please disregard all those desperate emails to your posted email addie..... congratulations,.
frannie b
Thanks Ozzie!!
simon, it finally worked....please disregard all those desperate emails to your posted email addie..... congratulations,.
frannie b
Holy Schmoly!!
I made it too!!
after every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which conveys to the mechanics any problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction.
the mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight.
never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humor.
Nic -
It is funny. Thank you for the laugh.
just in case...because someone i know...moonbeam...hasn't made her presence made officially, but i thought: 'what the heck'.
i wanted to kickstart it for her.. she's a darling, and when she gets all this stuff figured out, we'll see her on here soon.. she resides in the new england part of the u.s.a. .
but in the meantime, and if you don't mind.
Welcome Moonbeam!
Looking forward to seeing you 'round.
yup...just got here and already jumped in for a few posts....hope yall're all life's been a little sucky lately, but things are perkin' up....getting the detritus out of my life and takin' a new path where work is everyone here an active jw or what?.
frannie b
Another Texan...WOOHOO!!!! I'm up in the Dallas area. I was never a JW. I'm here for a dear and wonderful friend. You'll find there are a lot of truly wonderful people here.
I look for to your posts.
Arrowstar / Lisa
is to hear from my daughters again.
it is not going to happen.
i just thought you'd like to know.
You are a strong and wonderful woman.
Happy Birthday!!
May this be the first of many more.
do you agree with this quote?
"'tis better to have loved and lost.
than never to have loved at all.
Of course the answer is YES. You have to take the good with the bad and learn from it. Go forward richer for the experience.
Each relationship brings us something. My first husband beat me..from that I learned strength and that I will never again be a victim. My second husband cheated on me...but from him I got my son. My third ...well...from his lies I learned to be true to myself and my beliefs. To not compromise.
From each joy/beginning and pain/ending, I have come out a better, stronger woman. It has helped me to appreciate the love that is given to me now.
If I had to do all over again, I think I would make the same choices. (Although, I might invest in Microsoft's that hindsight thingy)
yeah... i do it all the time... sitting at work... but instead of working i'm reading and posting here.. anyone else guilty of this?
Bored at I post/chat
I should be ashamed....but I'm not!!
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
I am exhausted to be sure. I'm just glad that I'm too the unpacking stage now. Trust me, it's going to take some time. But I'm there and I'm really liking the new place.
Thank you for your kind words