Ok folks, here goes.
I just spoke to my wife. She spoke to someone at social services for New Jersey. My brother WOULD be in a foster home. I talked to my brother and he doesn't feel threatened, though he does wish my father would go away.
I have everyone against my opinion that something should be done. Will I go against everyone, including the person who was abused?
Do I have the right to make a decision for someone who I don't live with anymore? He is almost 15, and he said the next time he feels threatened, that he'll just stay with us for awhile.
I am completly torn on this. I had to deal with this, not just one time, but every day. I was looking for an apartment the day I turned 16. I was thrown down wooden stairs, punched, and when I was too old to hit, swung around by my arms and thrown into things.
Frankly, my other brothers and sisters have had it easy. My father kicks down doors, but has never hit my mother. His emotional abuse is incredibly hurtful, though.
I am physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially stronger than the both of my parents. But, I couldn't go against the wishes of the people I am trying to help. That's self-defeating.
There are no self-emancipation laws in NJ. Only foster care, and DYFS in Jersey is a touchy thing....my mother would be taken away from the only thing she has in the world...she is no longer a JW.
Another thing is that my mother needs his paycheck to make ends meet. She is the hardest working mother I know, but her mother died three months ago, and her father will die in a few weeks. She will lose her mind if I act on this now.
what the f**k am I supposed to do? There are no defining lines, here. This is the first time my father has punched my brother, but to me, it happened many, many times. My father is physically violent, or physically threatening most of the time though.
I do believe he has a mental condition. I don't give a damn whether he gets helpor not. I want him to perish with a large inheritance to go tomy mother.
But, that won't happen.
What the f**k am I supposed to do?