Blondie, I really enjoy your Watchtower reviews, thank you for taking the time and effort in doing this.
This study seems to be a "feel good article" (on the surface) for the rank and file. Instead of beating the sheep this week with doing more, they get a little salve for their wounds.
A quote from paragraph 9 states:
"The fact is that Satan the Devil is eager for us to believe that Jehovah neither loves us nor values us. On the other hand, no matter how unlovable or worthless we may think we are, Jehovah assures us that each of his faithful servants is of value to him."
That's how I felt when I was a JW, that I was unlovable and worthless to Jehovah. I was considered "spiritually weak" so I was basically ignored by the loving shepherds and most of the "spiritually mature" ones. Therefore, because of this treatment I felt unloved and worthless to God. It's interesting how the Watchtower equates this feeling of worthless and feeling unloved by God to Satan the Devil, when that's how so very many of us have felt at the hands of these "loving shepherds."
I liked your quote, Blondie. "The Watchtower should listen up their words and make application."
Isn't that the truth! The Watchtower seems so loving and concerned for the welfare of the sheep, making it seem that they are loved by God, when in reality they are just wolfs in sheeps clothing.