Again another well-written piece. Thank you, Terry, you sucked me right in.
Wow was not expecting that kind of ending.
You still got the gift of the gab
during the great depression in the 1930's people lost their jobs.banks closed, and long lines formed in the streets called "bread lines".people got up early and had to stand in line all day to get a free loaf of bread to feed their family!caution: do not read this story if you have empathy or compassion________ "when things get really bad".
in a cabin in the appalachian mountains, there was a family of four: two children (a boy and a girl), a mom and a dad (who had lost his job at the local sawmill).. things looked really bleak.
the children were afraid they'd starve to death.. "mommy," said the little boy, "are we going to die?".
oh dear, i recently made a comment about an elder being dogmatic.
and one of his best buddies sent me a wt article to help me realign my mind or something.
this is where reality separates from fantasy and fiction.
father was raised catholic and converted to the jws in the late '60s.
my dad's side of the family are still catholics and are very nice to me.
my mum's side are all jws and they shun me (boo hoo).. were you a born in or a convert?.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. born in 1952 second oldest of the family of nine children.
as you see, my family was thoroughly catholic.
dad was in the army.. were you a born in or a convert?.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. male, single, 62 yrs old.
adult adhd.
married in victoria moved back to western australia to start our lives far away from her parents as possible.. two kids, son 37 yrs old, daughter 34. both are married and still jws.
my father died a couple of months ago.
he'd been ill for some time and had many health scares and heart troubles over the years but always managed to keep on going.
then one time he didn't.. i'm glad i got to know him again and spend some more time with him after so many years missed because of the wts but those years will always be lost forever.
Wow interesting info, sorry to hear about your dad.
shunning works both ways
exactly the way I feel, no point wasting emotional energy and time on shunners.
BTW I don't recall seeing a picture of you or your wife on flippers "post a picture" thread...i could be wrong.
I have always wondered what the guy who runs this site looks like
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. male, single, 62 yrs old.
adult adhd.
married in victoria moved back to western australia to start our lives far away from her parents as possible.. two kids, son 37 yrs old, daughter 34. both are married and still jws.
Thanks baldeagle I am truly enjoying my freedom.
Thanks humbled.
On the very last time, I visited about two weeks before he died dad said to me
“ Nic religion should never come before family”
We hugged and cried.
This was a huge problem dad faced. Dad would never allow me to hug him. I told him over and over "just because I no longer believe in the religion there is no difference between us, we are still blood"
He believed religion was thicker than blood.
I also confronted both mum and dad with the fact, throughout my entire life I never recalled either of them ever saying "I love you Nic" of course they both denied it.
This was something I learnt from so-called worldly friends.
when i saw simons thread and the "interview" series of threads that came from it i really enjoyed reading the life stories of those that shared.
a bump for newer people seems like a good idea and i figured i would add mine as well.
again, thanks to simon for the concept of a guided interview thread and the template.. tell us a little about yourself and your family.. hmmm... easy question, hard answer.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. male, single, 62 yrs old.
adult adhd.
married in victoria moved back to western australia to start our lives far away from her parents as possible.. two kids, son 37 yrs old, daughter 34. both are married and still jws.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. male, single, 62 yrs old.
adult adhd.
married in victoria moved back to western australia to start our lives far away from her parents as possible.. two kids, son 37 yrs old, daughter 34. both are married and still jws.