Thank you punkofnice
Yes I now look back and chuckle to myself "what were you thinking"
Or is it what were you using to try and think with.
Thanks, humbled
e.g. was walking my dog and saw two ladies trying to load a huge sofa into a car that was not going to fit no matter how hard they tried, got in my ute and loaded it on, took it to their home they were so grateful, what a buzz it was to help.
I did not want it to sound like I was bragging.
Where ever I go I'm on the lookout to help anyone that may need assistance, the little old lady carrying her groceries to the car, just little things.
I don't want arse kissing, just a simple thank you that's it, no more.
The simple "thank you" is my buzz.
There is the feeling of self-worth. I have not changed the world but I've helped a human.
I would like to think when the time comes and maybe I need help in small things there is someone out there that will help.
No JW could afford the time to be just natural and kind—the WT translated our lives. To do anything such as you did for simple goodness sake would be recorded and itemized as “ministry”