Very kewl Steve!!! The lights look great! I've been wanting to put up ours but dang it wont stop raining the roof is too wet
I'll post a pic as soon as we get ours up..
Merry Christmas and J and I can't wait till the post xmas fest!!
christmas lights remind me, that we're closing in on the second anniversary of our disassociation.. two years ago, around this time, "gifts in men" from our old congregation paid us a visit regarding our christmas display.
we invited them in, ushering them slowly past our decorated tree, and seated them at our dining room table.
they said that it had come to their attention that we appeared to be celbrating christmas..."indeed we are," i saiid, "as we have for the last four years.
Very kewl Steve!!! The lights look great! I've been wanting to put up ours but dang it wont stop raining the roof is too wet
I'll post a pic as soon as we get ours up..
Merry Christmas and J and I can't wait till the post xmas fest!!
we put up our christmas tree and decorated it today!!!
here it is in all its glory!!!.
the kids helped pick out the ornaments and decorate, they did a great job.
We put up our Christmas tree and decorated it today!!!
Here it is in all its glory!!!
What do you think? The kids helped pick out the ornaments and decorate, they did a great job.
I'd love to see how some of you all decorated your trees! c'mon and post a pic of it here!
rachel (princess here) will be running in the seattle marathon tomorrow.
it starts at 8:15 pacific time.
let's all cheer her on!
i'm sure 99% of you know this already, but i'm warning whoever visits here and doesn't know.. .
if any of you still read god's word, i ask you to read eze.
33:11 & prov.
i didn?t want to post anything about this until i knew for sure (you know, don?t count your chickens before they hatch and all that.).
and i?m not one to toot my own horn.
so now that i know for sure now i?m just really excited and i wanted to share it with you all.
Could you not be using your time more wisely in your service to Jehovah by keeing then lower paying job? Is monney more important to you than seeking spiritual treasures? What will you gain when this system will soon ends anyway? What if you find this high paying job will bring you into circumstances that jeapardize your spirituality?
Congradulations to you Doodle!!!! See, Satan isnt behind stuff ! As soon as you make the big's about buyin me sumthin real nice?
Thanks hon, You bet!
i didn?t want to post anything about this until i knew for sure (you know, don?t count your chickens before they hatch and all that.).
and i?m not one to toot my own horn.
so now that i know for sure now i?m just really excited and i wanted to share it with you all.
Thanks guys!
I gave notice that I would be leaving yesterday. My boss was pretty upset.... but he did say he was happy for me.
i didn?t want to post anything about this until i knew for sure (you know, don?t count your chickens before they hatch and all that.).
and i?m not one to toot my own horn.
so now that i know for sure now i?m just really excited and i wanted to share it with you all.
SP-Thank you!!
i didn?t want to post anything about this until i knew for sure (you know, don?t count your chickens before they hatch and all that.).
and i?m not one to toot my own horn.
so now that i know for sure now i?m just really excited and i wanted to share it with you all.
I didn?t want to post anything about this until I knew for sure (you know, don?t count your chickens before they hatch and all that.). And I?m not one to toot my own horn. So now that I know for sure now I?m just really excited and I wanted to share it with you all. About a month ago, I had a phone interview with the director of the professional services team at an engineering software development company. It sounded really promising and the responsibilities he described were right up my alley. Not only that but the company is growing and there are opportunities for growth and advancement. I?ve worked with individuals at this company before so the names he mentioned I knew right away. I worried a bit when it came time to negotiate a salary, because last time ?negotiations? went something like this:
Potential Employer- So the only thing we need to do now is negotiate a salary, we feel we can pay you (this much)
Me-umm ok, I?ll take it.
This time, I said I need some time to think about salary and I would get back with him. My husband gave me some good advice he said just think about how much you honestly feel your worth, and bump it up a bit so they don?t offer you less, or just give them a range, and make sure the bottom number isn?t lower than the minimum that you?d accept. And when you specify a range don?t be afraid to give reasons like ?Because of the skills I can offer-blah blah?
So although I was a bit nervous I gave them a range I thought was reasonable for my skill level, experience, and education. I?m thrilled to say that they came back with exactly what I was looking for: significantly more than what I make now including incentive bonuses paid quarterly. The benefits are outstanding. There will be some travel because I?ll be working with clients all over the northwest region of the U.S. But when I?m not traveling I?ll be working from home.
I just got the ?official? offer letter and benefits package today. I can actually say that my salary has doubled since leaving the dubs. I?m so happy!
*doing the happy dance* -Doodle-V
Darn...I was going to have my husband pick a copy up next time he goes in to buy some more guns, ammo, and cigarettes.
Good one.. LMAO
web-posted wednesday, november 17, 2004 .
couple jailed after encounter interrupted .
Yep. IHOP's Rutti Tutti Fresh n' Fruity gets me all hot and bothered too.