lmao Scully....
JoinedPosts by doodle-v
How I healed the psychological injuries from my abuse in a cult
by Dogpatch inhow i healed the psychological injuries from my abuse in a cult.
by lawrence wollersheim.
i am the co-founder of www.factnet.org the oldest and largest internet .
This Week In Sophistry (Watchtower May 9-15)
by OldSoul inthis week in sophistry
(footnote, definition and legend, comments you will not hear...) .
this week, the spotlight of scrutiny shines on the april 1, 2005 watchtower article entitled parents, protect your precious inheritance, scheduled for consideration during the week of may 9-15, 2005. .
Are you posting from your job?
by jt stumbler ini keep jwd up at work all day.
i frequent this site throughout the day.
when i get home at night, the last thing i want to do is look at a computer screen.
heck yes
Just listen to your heart. That's what I do.- Napolean Dynamite
Dead Relative Due To Blood Policy?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to hear comments from anyone who had a relative die because of the watchtower society's misguided policy on blood transfusions.. alanf
Dead Relative Due To Blood Policy?
by AlanF in.
i'd like to hear comments from anyone who had a relative die because of the watchtower society's misguided policy on blood transfusions.. alanf
My brother would not take a bone marrow transplant or a blood transfusion when diagnosed with acute myeloid leukimia at the age of 21. He died nine months later.
I wrote about it here:
and here:
and here:
Witness parents choose to tranfuse baby to save life
by Ticker injust wanted to share some exciting info on a recent experience of a witness couple.
their young baby very unfortunatly was struck with leukiemia and requiered a blood transfusion to save its life.
fortunatly the parents had enough sence and logical reasoning to save their babys life by listening to the medical staff and proceeded with the transfusions.
That is wonderful news!! Thank you for sharing!
What age were you baptised? Do you regret it?
by doodle-v ini would have gotten baptised at the first "special assembly day" but i got sick just a few days before.
so i got baptised at the d.c.that same year instead.
i regret it, but at the time i thought i was doing the right thing, i sincerely believed i was dedicating my life to serving god.
I wonder what the percentage of those raised in da troof and got baptised did so under the age of 18, or even 16?
What age were you baptised? Do you regret it?
by doodle-v ini would have gotten baptised at the first "special assembly day" but i got sick just a few days before.
so i got baptised at the d.c.that same year instead.
i regret it, but at the time i thought i was doing the right thing, i sincerely believed i was dedicating my life to serving god.
I was 14, and of course I regret it. I was only getting baptized at that time because my YOUNGER sister was also getting baptized and I felt I shouldn't go after her. lol
LOL.. That reminds me. I remember a brother giving a talk about baptism and saying that some have gotten baptised just because their best friends were or because it was the only way they could be "eligible" to marry a brother or sister and that shouldnt be the reason people should be baptised. It happened all the time anyway. About six of my friends all got baptised on the same day. It was a big event. Hell it was the only time as a dub you would actually get wrapped presents, besides graduating highschool. -Doodle-V
What age were you baptised? Do you regret it?
by doodle-v ini would have gotten baptised at the first "special assembly day" but i got sick just a few days before.
so i got baptised at the d.c.that same year instead.
i regret it, but at the time i thought i was doing the right thing, i sincerely believed i was dedicating my life to serving god.
I was 12
I would have gotten baptised at the first "special ASSembly day" but I got sick just a few days before.
So I got baptised at the D.C.that same year instead.
I regret it, but at the time I thought I was doing the right thing, I sincerely believed I was dedicating my life to serving God.
The Apprentice
Family Guy
The Sopranos
Six Feet Under
Myth Busters
Pen and Teller's Bulls**t
It Takes a Thief (new show on the Discovery Channel)