JoinedPosts by doodle-v
Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v inok guys, it's awake caption time!!.
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Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v inok guys, it's awake caption time!!.
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these are too funny!!!
LMAO @ crop circles!!! LOL
Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v inok guys, it's awake caption time!!.
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Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v inok guys, it's awake caption time!!.
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Add your own Awake caption!
by doodle-v inok guys, it's awake caption time!!.
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Ok guys, it's Awake caption time!!
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Saddest cartoon episode?
by Simon inour kids love the simpsons and futurama but one episode of futurama is just soooo sad, i can barely watch it - it brings a lump to my throat every time!.
the one with seymour, fry's fossilised dog that the professor is going to bring back to life.
he decides not to do it because he thinks seymour lived a full life after he got frozen and will have forgotten him.. instead, the dog sat waiting for him all those years ... .
I've seen that Futurama episode with Fry's dog. I loved what professor said when he jabbed a syringe into the dog: "You see, beneath the fossil's crunchy, mineral shell, there's still a creamy core of dog nougat!"
Simese Jehovahs Witness Turns Apostate
by gumby inok, lets say you were born attached at the shoulder of your twin.
your mom raises yer sorry arse as a dub and you both grow up knockin on doors together..........then you turn into an apostate heathen bastard.
how does the witness one go to the meetings and out in service....and how do you the poor apostate bastard go to apostafests and stuff?
Gumby you sick bastard..
What if one of the heathen twins was fornicatin n'stuff, would the other twin complain to the elders for havin to sleep in the wet spot?
Boy, I'm a sad case!!! The devil makes work for idle hands!
by LittleToe in.
i just noticed, today, that i broke the 10,000 post mark - a tenfold-jedi.. there i was givin' me ole mucker ozzie a right slagging off, t'other day, fer doin' t'same.... i've gorn n dunnit, me sel'.. please don't congratulate, as commiserations are more in order - it's a sad milestone in my life, that so much of the last four years of said live could have been consumed by such ridiculous and inane drivel!.
roll on the new system.... .
Wastin all that time you coulda been out banging on doors. Tsk, tsk.
Clearly, Ross should be buying out the opportune time and putting spiritual things first.
Boy, I'm a sad case!!! The devil makes work for idle hands!
by LittleToe in.
i just noticed, today, that i broke the 10,000 post mark - a tenfold-jedi.. there i was givin' me ole mucker ozzie a right slagging off, t'other day, fer doin' t'same.... i've gorn n dunnit, me sel'.. please don't congratulate, as commiserations are more in order - it's a sad milestone in my life, that so much of the last four years of said live could have been consumed by such ridiculous and inane drivel!.
roll on the new system.... .
congrats! er i mean, now you've gone and done it!
Whatever will you do now? hell forget it just keep posting, we love ya.. muah
(stumbles off to bed)
The Shawshank Redemption
by stillajwexelder injust watched this agai i love the message of get busy living or get busy dying spoken by morgan freeman at the end -reminds me of my attitude since leaving (emotionally anyway) the wtbts
The book ends with Red opening the envelope left by Andy in his hotel room and weeping when he sees the money in there that Andy left for him and he plans to sneak across the border. I was so glad the director of the film added the end sequence where it shows that Red actually made it and reunited with Andy in Mexico. So moving.
Completely agree. awesome awesome movie and terrific ending. I just bought the special edition on DVD. To think they almost ended the movie at the point at which Red was driving away on the bus.