Just watched this agai I love the message of Get Busy Living or Get Busy dying spoken by Morgan Freeman at the end -reminds me of my attitude since leaving (emotionally anyway) the WTBTS
The Shawshank Redemption
by stillajwexelder 23 Replies latest social relationships
Very good movie...one of my favorites! I loved Bob Gunton as Warden Norton. He's now got a recurring role on another favorite show of mine: Desperate Housewives!
This is one of the best movies ever!
This is my #1 favorite movie and that line about get busy living or get busy dying... I think of at least once a day. Keeps the important things in mind and allows you dismiss the non-crucial crapola.
For real!!!!!!!
This was a great movie, I have heard so many ex jw's say this movie meant so much to them.
We can compare ourselves to Andy,,,,,,,inprisioned for so many years,,,,dreaming of a better life, and when we found the WT to be a lie, we dug like crazy to get out. We even had to swim thru some crap to get to the other side of life. But it was so worth it.
I loved that movie.. need to rewatch it again now as an XJW
is it even available on rental anymore? that is an older movie
Rita Hayworth, and the Shawshank Redemption
She was da bomb!
That flick was abfab, one of the best screen adaptations I've ever seen... and Morgan Freeman, well, what can I say? 2 thumbs up!
But what about Colin Clive In The Shankshaw Pre-emption?
the movie was definately a good adaptation. Stephen King should be proud...they did a good thing with it.
The only problem I have with the movie is that TNT and some other cable network play it like 10 times a month, so I have quickly gotten sick of it hahah...too bad because it is a great film.