Can you guess what it is?
(hopefully the link will work)
can you guess what it is? .
(hopefully the link will work) enjoy!
Can you guess what it is?
(hopefully the link will work)
my mom told me about this site im embarrassed to tell yahs who she is haha,kidding shes legolas, lets see i left the "truth" aka the lie in june, although we stopped going a year ago, i just want to see if i can learn more about the lies in the cult because my old best friend works with me but she is a jw and she acts like i dont exist, i want to tell her somthing thats a real shocker and maybe shell come to her senses, any ideas??!
i just want to say hi to hi!!!!
some of you may remember larc and zazuwitts, who used to post here regularly.. .
i heard from zazu today that sadly larc passed away this morning.
he died peacefully in his sleep of heart failure.
We'll miss you Larc
((((Zazu and family))))
Our condolences..
The dubbie "youths" all look so forlorn and vacant in the magazines.. the poor little persecuted cultist freak surrounded in a universe of cussing, smoking, smurf watching, fornicating worldlings. Our hero is the special God-boy on a mission and everyone else is so much upcoming bird peck fodder.
ROFL!!! Too Funny!
Yes the poor dub youth is all alone on a vacant street in the middle of the night just minding his own business, when SUDDENLY he is surrounded by *cue dramatic music* WORDLY PEOPLE TRYING TO GET HIM TO SMOKE! DRINK!! SMOKE WEED! and ENTER A CHAT ROOM!!!
Luna2, LMAO@ your pic! Too funny! DANGER! DANGER!!
and even how many times "opposers" come here thinking that this is a pro-JW site and then we have to tell them, "HEY MAN, WE'RE ON THE SAME PAGE AS YOU!"
ROFL!! I know! I was thinking the same thing.
Check out the caption above the picture "wisely, show your parents your online destinations"
Yeah, right!
So, uhh dad, like, what do you think of
Read the paragraph under "Introducing Moral Corruption" What a hoot!! "I was in a chat room with a group of people who I thought were all Jehoober Witlessess" "Before long, it was evident that they were really apostates"
Yup. I saw that thread too.. LOL this year they are really going overboard with INTERNET INTERNET!!! DANGER DANGER!!!
Thoughout this entire article they keep repeating the words DANGER and HAZARD.. I think i might actually count how many times those words appear in this article..LOL
I'll bet there are over a dozen at least.
What I want to know is....If this is an article about the "dangers" of chat rooms, why is there a picture of "wordly people" smoking and drinking and doing drugs?? Is this supposed to imply that chat rooms are as sinful as these things?