One word;
Horrible. It was a grieving process. Everything that I worked for was complete and utter nonsense.
bit of background.
i grew up as a jw i left the church when i was 14 because a ministerial servant who was conducting a one on one baptism study with me said that i couldn't ballance my dreams of being a professional singer with the so called "truth".
i stopped the study and told my mom i no longer wanted to be a witness.
One word;
Horrible. It was a grieving process. Everything that I worked for was complete and utter nonsense.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
misleading information
You lied. Don't sugar coat what a lie is. Go back to the dictionary and check out the actual meaning of lie. It's so obvious that you lied a 5 year old can see it. Misleading information? Utter nonsense.
Brownboy is a liar.
Also, you lied when you said you would never come back here again. Or did god tell you to lie and come back? I think not; why not take responsibility for your actions. That's what the god "jehovah" insists that you do.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
lie2 Listen: [ l ]
A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
quite often when reading some of the topics and posts i see comments about how all the big-wigs at the wtbts care only about the printing company, etc.
i have been accused of being a little too naive or trusting in the past, but i tend to think that even a lot of the higher-ups in the kh's and even at bethel believe that it is in fact the one true religion.
i tend to believe that a very small percentage of them figure that it's just a way to make money, etc.. what do you think?
I don't understand your question. The organization is the WTBTS. The organization is a buzzword made up by the WTBTS and used to identify them.
They view themselves as god's only channel, and fly on luxury airplanes to remote fishing camps for fun. That's not how they view themselves; that's what they do.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Oh, and it's called lying, not misreprisentin'. Liar. Just like you were never coming back, Liar. Oh, jehovah will crush your bones on judgment day..... destroy you and your forefathers and your forefathers forefathers... crush, kill, destroy.... crush, kill, destroy...
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
jehovah cleans urinals in stinky bus terminals.
I know boa, and believe me, you ain't saving that crazy mo-fo.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Brownboys ip address: gxMB7Vaw/M28MmPm
This guy's ip address: gxMB7Vaw/M28MmPm
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Oh, this ought to get him going.
Jehovah cleans my bathroom. I pay him with cigarettes.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Notice how "Ray Of Light" isn't defending himself over the 'brownboy' accusation.
Brownboy, go listen to some death-metal.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Was that comment meant to be disrespectful to FMZ? It seemed to be to me, but I may have misunderstood. I personally think that FMZ's belief is true. I don't necessarily say that God IS love. I just think that Love is Love. Nice is Nice. Positive is Positive. The opposite of these, all attributed to Satan, are simply the opposite, inevitable possibilities of the BETTER thoughts/actions.
Seems to me that neither God nor Satan truly exist in how most religions teach it. They are all available as choices for us to take each and every day, however, so it is seems that humans have found it easier to just give them entire personas, separate from our own psyche, in order to more easily judge others and ourselves.
That's kind of why I dislike the JW religion and other high-control religions the most...... they condemn themselves, first and foremost.... sure they are not aware of it, but to have the opinion that 99% of the world is evil does not allow yourself too much self-respect does it?
I can't believe that someone can read that much into one sentence. Can't you see the humour in the irony? God is love... bullet in head... didn't mean anything.... overload...
The botchtower put "jehovah" into the bible. Nobody else ever did. Why don't you get off your butt and present your evidence and enlighten us, like you said you were going to.
I'm waiting, although I expect that you'll run away and we'll never hear from you again. Another internet preacher.