I was a real jerk when it came to this at first. It still shames me to think of how I was toward other people. I am talking about those who were "bad assosiation". I would shun them - or avoid talking to them. Some christian, eh?
Guilty feelings aside, I eventually hung around exclusively with "bad assosiations", and found them to be the most level-headed people in the truth. One kid who was 16 and came into the truth got DF'd. He was just devastated. I would give him rides to the meetings - which was no small feat on my part (driving wise). He would literally weep after meetings, and I would encourage him, DESPITE what the elders said I should do. Eventually he got re-instated, then promptly dropped off the face of the earth.
So, to answer your question - I was a real jerk (could still be, for all Iknow ) but eventually tried not to shun.