I swear I am not making this story up.
About 10 years ago, when I still was a semi-good Dub, there was a blind woman at our hall that was df’ed. She had four small children, with the oldest around 6 years old. One night, in the middle of winter, with about 3 inches of fresh snow on the ground, I was driving home after the meeting, and I saw this woman being led down the middle of the road by her oldest child, with the three younger ones in tow. It was about 1 mile from the hall, but at least 1 mile to the small town where the woman lived. This woman was not legally blind, she was completely blind. I stopped and gave her and her children a ride home.
I was shocked by what I had seen, and told my wife about it when I got home. I was even more shocked at the next meeting when I told the PO about what had happened and was told “Yes, the brothers are aware of the situation, and are dealing with it. We are not sure what to do since she is df’ed.”
This still hurts me to think about what I saw, and that I was once a part of such a heartless organization. I know others must have driven past this woman as they went home, but no one stopped. Why were we so willing to surrender our humanity to such a cult?
5GJW, who regrets many things, almost all of them JW related