hi everyone i have just joined this forum and wondered if anyone else has heard of the rule that if you are inactive, which i have been for the last 4-5 years, that they have a new rule of you either become active again or you have to disassociate yourself, or they can disfellowship you?
is this correct, and does anyone know if there is a time limit that you can be disfellowshipped say up to 5 years after you stop going to meetings?
I do not think they can DF you without you sinning against the organization. I have heard that you can be DA'd if you admit to two JW's that you no longer feel you are a JW. That's why it is important not to say that if you're ever grilled by elders and you do not want to be DA'd (because of family, etc).
You can also be DA'd if you join another religion, get involved with politics, join the armed forces, and some other stuff.
when it comes to tv, every generation since the fifties thinks theirs had the best tv shows.
while america has fallen in love with "reality" tv shows like survivor and american idol, i've been thinking about how much better the shows were when i was coming up....
classic westerns like rawhide, gunsmoke, guns of will sonnet, bonanza, have gun will travel, the big valley, high chapparral, and wagon train.
the wts always talks about how wrong it was for the pharisees to make an endless number of rules.
but the wts is guilty of the same thing.
you can't have a beard... you can't watch rated r movies... you must report your field service activity... you cannot go to costume parties... you can have some blood fractions but not whole blood... you can't read any stuff that is against our opinion... yadda yadda yadda.. my mom (an active jw) argues that theses are not rules but only guidelines.
Exactly... they use the term "conscience matter" although you still will be judged by others in the cong. I always hated those "Questions from Readers" articles where the Society would basically lay down a rule but then say at the very end that it was a conscience matter. Whatever.
when it comes to tv, every generation since the fifties thinks theirs had the best tv shows.
while america has fallen in love with "reality" tv shows like survivor and american idol, i've been thinking about how much better the shows were when i was coming up....
classic westerns like rawhide, gunsmoke, guns of will sonnet, bonanza, have gun will travel, the big valley, high chapparral, and wagon train.
In the modern-day fulfillment of these prophecies, there was an important spiritual development in 1918 in connection with Jehovah’s worship. Jehovah and Jesus evidently made an inspection of all of those claiming to represent pure worship. That inspection led to the final casting off of corrupt Christendom. For Christ’s anointed followers, the inspection meant a brief period of refinement followed by a swift spiritual restoration in 1919.
the wt teaches that Jesus did an inspection of all the religions from 1914-1918 and then choose the wt in 1919.
I haven't heard that one before... do you have a quote from one of the Society's publications? It would be killer to be able to use your argument to the above claim! Too bad the WTLIB CD-ROM only goes back to 1950.
when it comes to tv, every generation since the fifties thinks theirs had the best tv shows.
while america has fallen in love with "reality" tv shows like survivor and american idol, i've been thinking about how much better the shows were when i was coming up....
classic westerns like rawhide, gunsmoke, guns of will sonnet, bonanza, have gun will travel, the big valley, high chapparral, and wagon train.
I've been thinking about how much better the shows were when I was coming up....
Wow dude... you're old.
When I was growing up I watched shows like Diff'rent Strokes.
I think nostalgia is strong; we perceive things as being much better when we were younger. It's corny but I have many, many more fond memories of playing the "original" Nintendo compared to the latest game console. Were the games better on the old system? They were good but games nowadays are better... better graphics, longer gameplay, better story line, etc. But the older ones hold a special place in my heart.
today nw and i were out shopping with our two youngest (14,15).. well i got chatting to someone, and then realised that a group of about 20 or so young people had gathered close by, and then the clapping and singing began, and then, each one would take centre stage to shout about the lord!!
fine, everyone is allowed freedom of speech.. the thing is, today i realised just how angry inside i am regarding all religion, because as i am stood chatting, my two kids are stood behind me, and were being spoken to by one the group, and so i was listening with half an ear, then begged to be excused, as i turned around and explained that really we as a family were jws for 30 odd years, and we have had enough of religion, so kindly back off.
i returned to chatting, and still this woman continued chatting to our daughter, who has been brought up to be polite, and not to be rude!!!
Uh ok is right....hmmm I wonder where all those bones came from?
She must have been a "young earth" christian... one that believes the earth to be only 6000 years old. So many facts are incompatible with the young earth viewpoint it's simply rediculous.
Dinosaurs are only one. How can we see stars that are millions of light-years away? How long does it take for diamonds to form? How about the grand canyon?
I wish jay-dubs were young earth creationists... I would have left the org much sooner.
today nw and i were out shopping with our two youngest (14,15).. well i got chatting to someone, and then realised that a group of about 20 or so young people had gathered close by, and then the clapping and singing began, and then, each one would take centre stage to shout about the lord!!
fine, everyone is allowed freedom of speech.. the thing is, today i realised just how angry inside i am regarding all religion, because as i am stood chatting, my two kids are stood behind me, and were being spoken to by one the group, and so i was listening with half an ear, then begged to be excused, as i turned around and explained that really we as a family were jws for 30 odd years, and we have had enough of religion, so kindly back off.
i returned to chatting, and still this woman continued chatting to our daughter, who has been brought up to be polite, and not to be rude!!!
I was talking to a coworker and religion came up. She and her husband are not religious at all and very liberal, but her husband's parents are very strict about religion... even moreso than the dubs.
Her mother-in-law told her that women who wear pants are just asking to get raped. And they'll deserve the rape, too! I couldn't believe it. Apparently God only wants women to wear dresses. God will want you to get raped if you wear pants. Disgusting...
Her mother-in-law also says that dinosaurs never existed. Apparently they are incompatible with a literal/fundamentalist view of the bible. Uh, ok.