Only in America!
Don't you mean "only in Acirema"?
sound gross to you?
think about this story.
you'll enjoy it, i promise.
Only in America!
Don't you mean "only in Acirema"?
I HAD A PARAKEET...I trained it to say "Jehovah!"" Armeggedon's Coming,"
I knew at least two other people that did that. Do you feel guilty for indoctrinating a helpless animal into a cult?
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
If I put my hand on Shamus' "planchette" will it move on its own?
my disfellowshipped hub is not interested and neither is my friend its like they want to just shut it all out and any mention just brings back bad memories of being disfellowshipped .
i could understand if they still were scared of apostates and all that rubbish but they dont believe in anything !
which prooves my point about a lot of folk in the "truth" that they are there by chace or because they were born in and dont know anything different or scared of dying at armaggedon , its not really about a deep love for god and a wish to do his will and enjoy spreading "the good news" which is "you are all going to die soon" how could someone who was a pioneer and appeared "spiritual"and was considered elder material go from that to not believing in god at all ?
SeattleNiceGuy is doing great! For a while he was doing videos on Youtube.. I think under the name "HopefulAtheist".
I think some just get bored... others just move on... If they come back to take a peek, they'll see completely different people (for the most part) and it can be hard to get back into the groove. That was my experience when I rarely came here for a couple years.
it's the 21st century mate!
there is no evidence for demons and ghosts!
people saying ouija boards really work because: "this one band camp...." crap i say!
Thanks Warlock... lol
i've recently got a comcast movie package that gives all encore, hbo, cinemax, stars, showtime and ifc and other indie movies.
there are so many good movies that have been made that just didn't garner enough attention.. what movies do you think are good that weren't huge successes?.
it's the 21st century mate!
there is no evidence for demons and ghosts!
people saying ouija boards really work because: "this one band camp...." crap i say!
When I am on my death bed, I will take solice in the fact that there is no heaven filled with Mormons. And no paradise earth filled with JWs, which is really just a perpetual district convention.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
We have our differences and if we met in person, we would still have them.
I stick to my guns, and so do you.
Cheers.. I'd be happy to have a beer with you.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Warlock don't like me much.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Right now, you could move it with your tongue for all I care.
Dude, get some rest.