AiG's web site is rediculous and their answers for most things are far fetched. Regarding the flood, they claim that "if the earth's topology was leveled off, the water would cover the dry land." Perhaps that is true. But the topology is NOT flat. Also, Mt Everest did not exist until AFTER the flood? Hello? Plate techtonics are responsible for mountain ranges. The plates move very slowly; Mt Everest did not spring up only 4500 years ago! Of course that's not a problem for AiG to believe because they are young earth creationists.
Most of their answers are speculatory at best. Their answers to some things are even crazier than JW beliefs. One of the craziest things I've read on their site is how "scientists explain evidences to fit their predetermined ideas." They next claim that they are absolutely confident that all evidence will match the "facts" in the Bible. Um, who now has a predetermined mold that they must fit all evidence into?
Oh yeah, and the Grand Canyon took millions of years to form. It didn't happen in a matter of days from the flood.