(Disclaimer: This is not intended to offend theists... just to make fun of these lines of reasoning used to attack atheism. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.)
I was browsing the site Answers in Genesis. It was mentioned recently in another thread. I had looked it it a while back (as a JW) but was turned off by its silly explanations.
Anyway, I thought these anti-atheism comments were humorous (taken from http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4179.asp):
Naturalism, Logic and Reality
Those arguing against creation may not even be conscious of their most basic presupposition, one which excludes God a priori, namely naturalism/materialism (everything came from matter, there is no supernatural, no prior creative intelligence).2 The following two real-life examples highlight some problems with that assumption:
A young man approached me at a seminar and stated, ‘Well, I still believe in the “big bang”, and that we arrived here by chance random processes. I don’t believe in God.’ I answered him, ‘Well, then obviously your brain, and your thought processes, are also the product of randomness. So you don’t know whether it evolved the right way, or even what right would mean in that context. Young man, you don’t know if you’re making correct statements or even whether you’re asking me the right questions.’
The young man looked at me and blurted out, ‘What was that book you recommended?’ He finally realized that his belief undercut its own foundations —such ‘reasoning’ destroys the very basis for reason.
I tend to believe this whole conversation was made up as it seems so rediculous. First, no one who understands evolution would say we got here solely from random processes. Random mutations are indeed one thing that may cause a specie to evolve, but those random changes are only "accepted" if they prove beneficial by completely non-random selection processes. That basically ensures non-beneficial changes will be discarded. That is not random. Also, if God didn't create us then "reason" itself is invalid. Gee, that makes sense.
On another occasion, a man came to me after a seminar and said, ‘Actually, I’m an atheist. Because I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in absolutes, so I recognize that I can’t even be sure of reality.’ I responded, ‘Then how do you know you’re really here making this statement?’ ‘Good point,’ he replied. ‘What point?’ I asked. The man looked at me, smiled, and said, ‘Maybe I should go home.’ I stated, ‘Maybe it won’t be there.’ ‘Good point,’ the man said. ‘What point?’ I replied.
This young man certainly got the message. If there is no God, ultimately, philosophically, how can one talk about reality? How can one even rationally believe that there is such a thing as truth, let alone decide what it is?
Again, this conversation sounds made up. Basically reality and truth have no meaning if God doesn't exist. That is rediculous. We can establish so many facts without even considering whether God exists or not. How does it affect our ability to distinguish reality?
And on this page http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/1277.asp:
To say there is no God is to say you have enough knowledge to know there is no God. But an atheist can never have enough knowledge to be certain there is no God. He would have to know everything, because if there is something outside his area of knowledge, that something could include God. An atheist would have to be everywhere in and out of the universe all at one time, because if there is anywhere he cannot be, God could be there.
No atheist can claim total knowledge, therefore atheism is self–refuting, because knowing everything and being everywhere is to be like God. Since no one can prove ‘there is no God’, the question becomes irrelevant and so does atheism. Thus, Creation cannot be ruled out as a potential alternative.
lol... yes, no one can prove that God does not exist. You also cannot prove that there are invisible trolls slipping in and out of the 4th dimension and that's why we have nightmares and lose our keys!
The nice thing about science is there is a specific repeatable, testable method for testing/confirming hypotheses. God is defined in a way to be untestable. The inability to disprove something is not evidence to support its existence. Since I defined my trolls as slipping in and out of the 4th dimension, they are also untestable. We cannot disprove they exist!
I don't have a problem with belief in God by any means, but for crying out loud there are much better lines of evidence than the philosophical garbage this guy was speweing.
Anyway, I thought it was funny. You should read the articles from the Q&A section on that site. Their answers remind me of WTS answers to some things, but they are even more rediculous.