Do they have no shame??
Wow...apparently not. Even as a JW, I always hated how the WTS constantly praised itself. This is just pathetic.
in another thread regarding the saturday afternoon convention program, 95stormfront wrote about the wts aid in helping victims of a storm:they again shamelessly plugged how they were oh-so- helpful to victims of allison, the rainstorm that put the city of houston underwater two years ago and how money poured in from witnesses around the world.
what they failed to mention was that all the supplies they used were either donated, or bought at very reduced rates using government grants, stored in donated space, all the labor was provided free by brothers in the building industry.
they also failed to mention that it took anywhere from 6 to 8 months for them to finish the work on individual homes and that after it was finished, you were presented with an invoice detailing all the hardware used with a total of what the retail cost of what those items would've been.
Do they have no shame??
Wow...apparently not. Even as a JW, I always hated how the WTS constantly praised itself. This is just pathetic.
cavemen evolve into homosapiens over a span of 3,500,000 years.. how is it that this statement is stated as fact?
if it is proven as fact,then is the genesis account of creation false?.
in order to believe it must one believe in evolution?.
Wouldn't it be more of a monkey style?
berten, this is for you: .
rocky mountain oysters on the half shell .
recipe by : texas on the halfshell isbn: 0-385-17904-9 .
Nah, it makes you a wuss...
lol... I'm not sure whether to be comforted or insulted.
berten, this is for you: .
rocky mountain oysters on the half shell .
recipe by : texas on the halfshell isbn: 0-385-17904-9 .
If you're a guy that's afraid to eat these, does it make you a homophobe?
i was raised in the organization.
my stepfather was a ministerial servant but was removed when i was 14, due to family problems, which he blamed on me (he was abusive, physically, and was told that if he cannot control his family, he could not be an example to the congregation).
i became pregnant at 15 and have not really lived around my family since then.
Welcome to the forum! Just hang out here for a while and you'll find a huge abundance of information showing that the JWs are just another mind control religion.
Might I suggest reading "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz (former Governing Body member). This book is probably the single best thing you can read.
cavemen evolve into homosapiens over a span of 3,500,000 years.. how is it that this statement is stated as fact?
if it is proven as fact,then is the genesis account of creation false?.
in order to believe it must one believe in evolution?.
The BBC version had more hominid nudity than the Discovery version.
Damn! How do I get the "Hominids Gone Wild: Doggy Style" version of this show?
cavemen evolve into homosapiens over a span of 3,500,000 years.. how is it that this statement is stated as fact?
if it is proven as fact,then is the genesis account of creation false?.
in order to believe it must one believe in evolution?.
Thanks DRwatson. I'll check that out.
The author of "The Source" is John Clayton. The book is subtitled "Creation--Eternal Design or Infinite Accident?"
I liked some of the things he talked about in the book, like radiometric dating. But he does play games with probability like the WTS does with their "scientific" books. You may still find it interesting.
I also started reading "The Blind Watchmaker" but have not yet finished it. The author of that book is supposed to show how apparent "design" supports evolution and not creation.
Must find more time to read....
go melt over some kitties at .
never before has one site caused so many manly men to go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
so much cuteness, it should be banned!
Ravyn, that is hilarious!! My wife and I are cat lovers... I'll have to show that to her.
(disclaimer: this is not intended to offend theists... just to make fun of these lines of reasoning used to attack atheism.
no purchase necessary.
void where prohibited.
Amazing, glad you enjoyed it. Yes, prayer is a funny thing. StinkyPantz recently posted some questions from this web site
It has some great questions on prayer:
(E) On answered prayers and miracles as proof of God's existence:
1. When praying, do you count any prayers as unanswered, as opposed to explaining those which appear to be as part of God's plan?
2. Hypothetically: if God didn't exist, but you had a powerful belief in him and prayed anyway, would human psychology alone make you very likely to interpret natural events and coincidences as 'answers' to those prayers?
3. You can pray for something that is already included in God's plan, in which case he would likely make it happen anyway, or you can pray for something that isn't, which he likely wouldn't perform against his better judgment. Given these two options, are there, in your view, other compelling reasons for prayer?
These are great questions. I do not dismiss the psychological benefit of prayer to those that believe in God. Heck, my wife really felt comforted recently when some non-JWs prayed with her. Even though she is agnostic, the prayer showed her how much those other people cared about her and that's what touched her.
artists depiction of the new printing facility.
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