Are you an angry SOAB? What's you're problem? Take a chill pill, man!!!
Uh, are you joking? You do realize that the site I linked to in my first message is not my own, right?
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Are you an angry SOAB? What's you're problem? Take a chill pill, man!!!
Uh, are you joking? You do realize that the site I linked to in my first message is not my own, right?
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
I think I have just gained entry in to geekesville.
If you read and enjoyed that tetraspace site, you are indeed a geek. Welcome.
I was wondering, do wise men laugh at fools?
Oh yeah.
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Are you Farkel?
Nope. Does that disappoint you?
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Hey, that tetraspace site is pretty cool! I like thinking about the 4th dimension. His site makes it pretty simple, and you gotta love those drawings!
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Time is obviously a Mobius loop.
Intriguing! Please explain this concept of time being a two dimensional strip folded into three dimensions and yet being a one sided infinite loop.
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
I wrote him an email and asked why he has no quotes from prominent scientists that back up his views. He replied:
You are dumb and stupid. Fools have always laughed at wise men.
ok, being the 80's teen i goes.... 5. milli vanilli.
girl you know its true (g g g girl!!).
4. wham young guns (go for it!).
Baltimore Tarzan Boy
heh... I love that Baltimora song!
Eighties music is one of my favorite genres. I have the entire Time Life collection... over 500 songs. Woo hoo!
i've been having a rough go financially lately and my job is less than rewarding.
my hours have slowly been cut back over the last few months to the point where i've had to decide between food and bills.
however, my sister's friend brought me a job ad.
Sounds like a great opportunity. Good luck!!
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation..
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
I'm scared!
You better be scared! Repent, discard the utterly evil and stupid 1-day belief and accept the magnificent 4-day rotation FACT invented by the most ingenious man who has ever lived!
quote: originally posted by t' pau .
interesting how the theorists of evolution still try to fight the laws of reason while trying to keep alive this dying ideology.
you were thaying?
hahaha... here are the latest responses:
I discount evolution because there has never been an answer as to where or what "Hydrogen" evolved from.
This is great. So everything else about evolution must make sense to him. But he was able to find one thing that evolution doesn't discuss and so he is able to throw out the entire theory. Gee, I wish he would do that for the WTS teachings when I show him just one thing wrong with it. The funniest part of this quote is it shows his complete ignorance of evolution, which does not attempt to explain where matter originally came from.
Ah, the old "you don't know enough about evolution to really make cogent arguments against it."
Well, the above arguments satisfy the Frau. She is a Botanist. She is degreed, Cum Laude, in Biology and taught labs in college that included evolutionary theory, which she then believed. Each of the arguments that she used to prove evolution was successfully blown away by the rational and accurate arguments put forth by the Society in their publications.
Our beliefs do not rest on the idiocy of Christendom's sad "Creationist Science" arguments, but real science and real logic.
First, since one person used to teach/believe evolution and has changed her mind, then that disproves evolution. Oh yeah, the society has "blown away" evolution by its rational and accurate arguments. Yep, typical cocky WTS viewpoint.
This is funny stuff...