Remember the last time that happened? I am just going to watch this time. LOL
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
Remember the last time that happened? I am just going to watch this time. LOL
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
Yes Stinky...
In fact I just asked the question to the board. I am curious as to how people's feelings on whether there is a higher power or not.
this question has probably been asked before, but since i am a newbie, i wouldn't know.. anyway, i would like to ask if you believe in god or a higher power since becoming an ex-jw?.
This question has probably been asked before, but since I am a newbie, I wouldn't know.
Anyway, I would like to ask if you believe in God or a higher power since becoming an ex-jw?
this quote got me thinking:if you pray sincerely and admit you are a sinner and accept christ as your savior you can have the holy spirit come into your life.. .
i used to do this everyday.
when i was being abused, i used to pray incessantly for god to help me.
I refuse to get into a debate over theism or athiesm, but I do wonder if we were to take a poll what the stats would read. I know stats aren't always accurate, but it would give me an idea about what ex-jw's think on this.
hi jesika and aztec,.
i hope you can help me to get to know everyone better here.
this is a really huge forum from what i am used to.
Thank you all for the warm welcome!!
i know i probably go too far sometimes and can get a little 'determined' on some issues (my wife calls it pig headed & stubborn).
sometimes i am too blunt.
sometimes i won't let things go and want to prove my point.
I am a Moderator at another ex-jw site. I can understand where you are coming from. I try to stay objective as much as I can, but I don't always succeed. I am human after all even if I try to keep all my personal thoughts in check. I know what you mean Simon.
It is always good to have parent's blessing even though it is not always easy to get with that particuliar issue. I am glad you updated us. I was wondering if the elders have called anymore on you are tried to stop by. I hope not.
PS..Glad to see you on this board. I am Ronnie from the other board in case you didn't know. I saw your welcome post and appreciated that as well.
Take care.
judge: elders not required to report abuse .
saturday, june 21, 2003. by andrew wolfe telegraph staff, [email protected].
This case should be appealed. Maybe a judge that has his right mind will sit for the next case. Judges have too much power I think in general.
You were the PO? I am sure you have told others many times, but what made you decide to leave the jw's? You must have spent years and years in the organization.
hi jesika and aztec,.
i hope you can help me to get to know everyone better here.
this is a really huge forum from what i am used to.
Thanks Estee and everyone!
I have jumped in and the water is fine!! I know a few here from other sites and I love the fast pace of the site too. Best thing was that I didn't need to provide the next song that is in the Kingdom Ministry in order to join here!! I hear stories about regular jw sites and they won't let us apostates in!!
This really is a great forum you all have here.