this was one of the most disturbing things to me. I witnessed often growing up kids getting spanked in the bathroom. I remembered on family in particular who had several young kids, they sometimes didn't even bother going to the bathroom, the mom or dad would grab a bible or songbook or whatever was handy and smack their child in the head. This went on openly and no one ever tried to stop it. As the children grew I saw one by one as they were taken away by the state from their abusive parents. Why didn't any elder protect these children? I remember being at a district convention in the bathroom and seeing a child, probably not even 2 years old literally beaten. A girl next to me actually had the nerve to speak up, she said, "thats the most dispicable thing I've ever seen", yet obviously the mother felt comfortable doing this in front of all of us because as far as i can tell this type of discipline is not only condoned, it seems to be encouraged. It sickens me still.
JoinedPosts by renee
Kingdom Hall Spankings
by JH inmost meetings i went to, children were brought to the washrooms in the back to be disciplined.
often i could hear a child yell or cry due to the spanking given by the parent.
people in the hall would have that look on their face meaning that it was alright to discipline a child by spanking him.
Did You Attend Meetings When You Were Away On Holiday?
by Englishman inmy parents did.
as a youth, i would accompany my parents to wherever they decided to holiday that year.
number 1 priority was to find the local kingdom hall!
we always attended meetings, had our family study, did our personal study, etc. on our "vacations", nothing like walking into a hall full of strangers on a tuesday night and sitting for two long hours. half of our luggage in the car was our meeting clothes, books and bookbags..i loved vacations but dreaded our vacation meetings!!!