I agree with Reborn. It is a combination of media portrayal and poor upbringing.
Why can't people cover their mouths anymore when they sneeze or cough?
Do people actually think that what they have to say is so important that everyone else wants to watch their half chewed food spinning around like a front load washer while they chew and talk at the same time? If people would look in a mirror just once while they talked and chewed they would want to vomit.
Do people really think they are making a statement anymore wearing jeans no matter WHAT the event? That used to be a statement. Now you blend in like one of many clones in a factory. It feels like we live in a prison camp or something with everyone in their jeans.
And, worst of all, are the people who wait on you in stores. Rude seems to be a requirement to be a clerk. Well, guess what? More and more, I am shopping online. Bought a wedding gift today...no time spent on road with rude drivers. No snotty clerks. No standing in line while one or two checkout clerks dink around and 20 other checkouts are closed. And free gift wrapping! Stores bitch that online shopping hurts them. I really don't care if all the stores in my neighborhood go out of business if they are going to treat me like they are doing me a favor just opening their doors.
I sound like a very negative person. I am not. I am actually in sales and I love going the extra mile to make my customers feel valued. I love making a difference (positive difference) in a persons day. I feel it is an honor if someone picks me to serve them. In Europe, people understand that it is honorable to serve. Here in the USA we seem to think we all should be served, but noone wants to do the serving. It amazes me. One of the highest honors in life is to be able to do something for someone that helps them by giving them a product of service they need or by enriching their lives. Honoring other peoples needs satifies one of our greatest needs: The human need to feel valuable and like you have contributed to something.
That said, thanks for listening to me vent. I hope you all have a very pleasant week!