You look beautiful! Congratulations and best wishes for your long future together. My Nana used to say "the first 100 years is the hardest", it's true, but with love, everything will work out.
Congrats again!
hey guys, we just got back from vegas!
got home at 3 this morning *yawn* we had a blast though!
You look beautiful! Congratulations and best wishes for your long future together. My Nana used to say "the first 100 years is the hardest", it's true, but with love, everything will work out.
Congrats again!
i once went to a baby shower for a sister and planned on having a good time.
there were only sisters there and some brought their children.
the shower was held at a community center clubhouse.
My hubby was playing football with some other brothers one day and one of them was getting a little rough. This guy was much bigger than him so he figured if he can push him around, how would he like it if the smaller guy did it back...well my hubby (all 155 lbs of him) ended up tackling the guy and broke his arm! Serves him right! For a small guy, my man sure can hold his own!
I never had a confrontation - always kept to myself until I am pushed...then all hell brakes loose. People usally say I'm the type that you dont want to see know those quiet types (all though I am FAR from quiet) My Granddaddy taught me how to defend myself - plus I played hockey with the boys growing up...I may look like a little girl, but I will kick your butt if need be
Hi Abbie,
my wife and i are new to this forum, and really, we're now new to life as well.
or rather, life is new to us, normal life that is.
i don't want to turn this into a novel (at least, not yet).
Just wanted to say WELCOME!
I would have a smiley face, but they aren't working today :(
dear friends:.
what a pleasure it has been to browse this website over the past couple of years...first as a lurker and then as a member.
i now intend to "come out of the closet"...blow my cover and tell you my story (and i'm sticking to it!).
Dont sweat it! He was my boyfriend at the time anyway. It has been almost 2 years and he is still going through surgeries. I will never forget that night in my life. The Elders showed up at the ER (his mom called them for support), they told me that he shouldn't have been drinking, he isnt a big drinker and he refuses to drink and drive. Right after that another ER Dr. walked in and said that he had NO ALCOHOL in his system (I smiled smugly to myself for being right). NOT ONCE did he recieve a phone call when he was home, NOT ONCE didn anyone stop by to see how he was doing, after 1 month he was much better and we were getting ready for our wedding, that is when the Elders decided that since he hadn't been making meetings regulary and we were spending "too much time together" they told us that not only could we not use the Hall to get married in, but the Elder that was going to give our talk said he did not feel that we were spiritually ready to be married and it would be best if we pushed the wedding off. This was less than 2 weeks before our wedding! I sat in that back room holding my husbands hand, balling my eyes out for 45 mintues after a late night meeting. I was tired, upset and never wanted to look at them again. That elder was one of the only ones who did not show to our wedding. He said we didn't have Jehovah's blessing and that our marraige just wouldnt be strong without him. Everytime I tell this story, people are truly amazed by the lack of love from the org. One thing that will bother me forever is that my 2 best friends were supposed to be in my wedding party, since they were not witnesses they were not allowed in, it kills me now to look back and know how much I hurt them, it made a mess of our friendships and I hope that someday they will forgive me. They say they are okay, but I know that it hurts.
I better stop rambling on and on now ;) I hope that I will have the same courage that you and others have had to "come out" :)
dear friends:.
what a pleasure it has been to browse this website over the past couple of years...first as a lurker and then as a member.
i now intend to "come out of the closet"...blow my cover and tell you my story (and i'm sticking to it!).
Cathy & Candle,
Thanks for sharing your stories, they were touching and most of us can relate. I am glad that you could escape "from the closet" Cathy, I am still fading and am not ready to reveal myself. Don't know what I am afraid of...never had too many friends in the org. Was blackballed when I started studying...I was the "unbeliver". My husband and I dated "secretly" for 4 years. He was always spoken too about dating me, or even being friends with me because since I was not baptized (at the time, he was not either) I was considered a stumbling block for him. We were not even allowed to sit next to each other at the meetings while other couples who were baptized could hang all over each other. People did come to our wedding, but we havent spoken to them since, they got their free meal and that was enough for them I guess. It's funny, when my husband was almost killed by a drunk driver, I was laid off at the time so I would take care of him (he could barely move for 1 month), they accused us of sleeping together....not for nothing but his health was #1 on my mind...Just another example of people accusing others of wrong doing then judging them for it... I thought it said in scripture "thou shall not judge, or you shall be judged first"
All out there with similar experiences, hang in there, keep your head up, and never give up :)
With Lots of Love
yup...just got here and already jumped in for a few posts....hope yall're all life's been a little sucky lately, but things are perkin' up....getting the detritus out of my life and takin' a new path where work is everyone here an active jw or what?.
frannie b
Hi Frannie B,
Welcome to the board, I am pretty new as well too. I am looking forward to your posts :)
just in case...because someone i know...moonbeam...hasn't made her presence made officially, but i thought: 'what the heck'.
i wanted to kickstart it for her.. she's a darling, and when she gets all this stuff figured out, we'll see her on here soon.. she resides in the new england part of the u.s.a. .
but in the meantime, and if you don't mind.
Welcome Moonbeam!
i read with great interest the scanned pages that were shown on the other thread.
i really want to get a copy of this book for myself.
here's a direct quote from the chapter about satan and his deeeminz:
Please tell me this is all a big joke and that the WTS DIDN'T really publish such utter BS! Wow, so thats what my "thingy" is called...a "Vulva"...sounds like a car gone bad! Sorry bad attempt at a's getting late in the day!
*as she laughs her "Vulva" off*
what did the jews in jesus' day think about the soul and hades?.
if you read the watchtower, you might think that they dutifully followed jw teaching.
and had no idea about immortal souls or ghosts or punishment in hades.. .
What an excellant post, I have always questioned the beliefs.
I was born and raised Catholic and convereted when I was 18, since leaving, I am so confused on what to think. Part of me goes back to my Catholic background and the other part of me stops myself from thinking any other way but "WTS" way. I have been "out" for almost 4 months now, my thinking is starting to revert back to what it was before. Even though I was Catholic, I was not a "strict" member, my grandmother, who went all the time, was one of the most open minded people I have ever met, she always told me to believe in God and he would show me the way, not man or organization.
again, great post!