Hello all,
Thanks for the many kind words and thoughts. I really appreciate it. A few notes and comments:
1) I have no idea how my lettering ended up so small. It wasn't by design. I can hardly read it myself. Fortunately, I have a pretty good idea of what it says!
2) I am not sure exactly what I am doing. When I posted, I did not see my topic in the list. I reasoned that since it was my first post, it might have to be reviewed before appearing. The last page was listed as 1800. For some unknown reason, I later clicked on "Active Topics", and not only was my post there, the number of pages was over 2500. Maybe someone could help me out here?
3) Once I found the post, I saw several responses. Again, I thank everyone who cared enough to write. A big LOL to JamesThomas for the visual welcome. Very nice.
4) Randy, your site is awesome! I spent about 5 hours there and will visit again. Very interesting and very informative. Keep up the good work.
5) A couple of people felt that I may be depressed. I am not a psychiatrist, and I imagine it’s possible to fool oneself, but I don’t feel that I am depressed. After so many years of being taught to judge “outsiders” and non-confomers I have now adopted a laissez-faire attitude. I am not discontented. In fact, if anything I am TOO content. Too laid back. Am I irritated with myself for this lack of focus? Yes. In need of a kick in the pants? Probably. But depressed? I don’t feel that is the case.
6) Some suggested inside sales. Funny thing is, my job would be classified as inside sales. In fact, basically just telephone sales. I own a small commodities brokerage and part of the job description is acquiring new clients. I excel at and enjoy customer service (which hasn’t suffered at all). Sales is not my forte, a necessary evil to me, but I have always been able to do it just well enough to get by. (For that matter, I never enjoyed, or felt particularly effective in service either.) It is in the acquisition of new business that I have fallen down on the job. A career change? Nothing’s impossible, but at 41 it wouldn’t be easy. Besides, other than the sales aspect, I love what I do. And of course, as a good JW, I certainly did not go to college and do not have a degree. A change I am at least considering is working for someone else. I think that part of the reason having my own business was so important to me was that as a JW, you have so very little self-determination in any other area of life. You are told what to think, what to do, where to be and when. Working for myself provided the only sliver of freedom that I had. But now, I no longer feel like a robot. I have self-determination in other parts of my life. Having someone to be accountable to, at least in the workplace, might not be a bad thing. Hard to say though. Has anyone made this transition? Any advice or experiences?
7) I have taken up some activities. I joined a couple of softball leagues, which is a blast. I suppose that I am pretty selfish with my time, but not so much that I don’t feel some need to help others. Many, many years ago I signed up for a program that was designed to help others learn to read (RIF, I think?) But before I got started a “concerned” brother advised me that my time was much better spent out in service. After all, what good would it do for someone to learn how to read and die at Armageddon a few months later? Converting him to the only true church would give him forever to learn. In hindsight, if I had helped only one person, that person would have had the joy of reading for 20 years now. And Armageddon? Still just around the corner.
8) Had to laugh at DJ’s reference to “evil unbelievers”. Honest to God, when I showed up for my first softball game, I was literally scared. I just knew that these people were satanic and that surely demons would be popping up at 2 nd base during the game. What I discovered instead is that they were just ordinary people, no different than me. Some I liked more than others, but that was true when I was an active JW too. People are people. Which goes to show you why the WTBTS does not want you to associate with anyone else. If you do, you can’t help but notice that they are no different. No better. No worse. Just people, and no more in line to be summarily dismissed by God than any other member of any other religious group. Or any atheist or agnostic for that matter.
9) As for what I believe now, well that is in a transition state. I don’t ever see myself belonging to any other organized religion again. I have come to feel that one’s relationship with God is an intensely private matter, and while fellowship and more importantly, honest and open discussion, is a good thing, wearing the label of any particular denomination is not. I did read the “New Testament” (it still sounds funny to say that and not “Christian Greek Scriptures”) in 9 different translations. It was very enjoyable and enlightening. Many WT teachings became clearly farcical. At the same time, many questions arose, as well. Whether these questions can ever be reconciled in my mind, I don’t know. I will continue to read and study and try very hard to do so without any preconceived ideas.
Well, I am rambling again. I will close, and wish to say thank you again for your words and thoughts. Lastly, to the person who sent me a message, I appreciate your thoughts. You captured many of my feelings (and in much fewer words). If and when I figure out how to respond, I will do so.
Take care,