Interesting discussion Sirona.
I didn't mean to take the sentence that I quoted out of context, and was thinking more of the sentence abstractly than any assertion you might have been making, as the sentence seemed emblematic of a mindset. As indeed it is, even if it's not yours!
As for deciding whether my beliefs are better or worse than others, or whether I have the right to ridicule those beliefs I find ridiculous, well...
I agree that everyone has a right to believe what they want, provided it doesn't harm anyone. Even those that believe things harmful to other people have a right to that belief, but if they act on those beliefs they also have a right to be locked away.
I respect someone's right to hold an opinion. But, by the fact I believe everyone has a right to an opinion, I too have a right to an opinion. And sometimes that opinion will be "That's ridiculous".
Yes, I do think that a scientific opinion will more often than not be better than an unscientific opinion. Because scientific opinions SHOULD be objective, verifiable, repeatable, quantifiable. Obviously, they don't always have those characteristics. But they do, more often than subjective personal opinion.
Personal subjective experiences are just that; subjective. If they can't be repeated or proved why should I base my belief structure on them? The person that had them can!
Maybe I've not explained what I mean clearly... we all have our subjective realities. You, me, everybody.
Some people have experiences in their subjective realities which they interpret in a way I find objectively unprovable.
For example; someone notices lots of weird events in the house, breezes, lights being on in the morning when they were off at night, noises, etc. Their grandfather died two weeks ago. Therefore it is grandpa.
I say, fine, that's your belief. I don't share it, but I am sure you are genuine and experienced those things and believe genuinely that it was your grandad.
What's wrong with that? I REALLY mean it, although, just as some scientists are fraudulent, so are some people asking for subjective belief.
I know from experience that when you say it, the person normally doesn't listen to the fact you are accepting their reality, as they are too busy trying to get you to accept their reality as your reality based on their say-so and nothing else. And that bugs me. Lay of my subjective reality, I'll lay off yours I suppose is a way of putting it.
It's the faith thing, isn't it? Take Rex B13 as an example. If you could offer definative proof of evolution and the absence of god, he would still 'believe' as he's had his proof by subjective experience, and all the Science papers in the world won't change that. Shelby seems to genuinely believe she has her little chats with god. Well, I think she's probably mad, but I'm sure she doesn't THINK she's making stuff up. When they parade their glowing subjective opinons, as thogh they were gospel, one does feel a certain need to ask them for objective proof, but it's POINTLESS (although sometime fun if it's slow at work).
You seem to say that one should not view other beliefs as better or worse than your own. Is that right? If it is I disagree.
Fancy a witch trial? Or, maybe we should rip a few hearts out of Prisoners-of-Wars, like the Aztecs did, to make sure the sun carries on rising. Yes, extreme examples.
How's about Scientologists? I know a fair bit, and I think that is one of the silliest religions ever designed for profit by a Sci-Fi author, but what do I know, I'm not 'Clear', and am probably just being reactive (amazing similarities between Scientology and Buddism on some levels).
But Mormons, well, Elohi, or whatever, is on his planet with lots of wives, making spirit babies that come to Earth, and if you're a good moron (whoops... my spelling... ) you'll get your own planet and harem. I really don't think I have to GIVE my opinion of how STUPID that is.
It's not just religion either; see the post about smoking. And the nature/nurture debate. Anyone on either one side or the other is an obvious fool as it's obviosuly BOTH, to one extent or the other.
Eugenics? Nasty dangerous stuff. Genetically Modified Food? We've been doing it for centuries, there's far more worrying things going on.
We do it (evaluating beliefs as better or worse) everyday all the time, and if we are to find anything approaching a personal truth or paradigm for life, we HAVE to evaluate beliefs in this way.
Otherwise you end up like my mate Neil, who is so open-minded at times his brain falls out.
It's not being nasty, it's just finding your way; we all(ish) found our way out of the Borg and think it is WRONG. All that is doing is defining one belief as worse than the multiplicity of beliefs we now all hold.
In the end, most beliefs are not 'better' or 'worse', but are basically the same as far as their affect on your life goes. But that should not make us lazy and over accepting of whatever is represented as the 'truth'. Otherwise the ones that are better or worse can bite you on the arse.
Keep on rocking in the free world...