Yes, it could be true that there is no God. And an
open-minded person would have to accept that. I can
accept that maybe true, however, on the other hand
I leave open the possibility of a higher being.
P.S. I used the Illustration of the paranormal
because if that possibility exists then, perhaps,
there could be a Creator.
Maybe, I should have used UFO's instead. LOL
The Wanderer
I suppose this would depend on what definition you put on 'god'. If you go with a traditional religous view of a supreme all powerful god, then verifying the existance of UFO's or the supernatural would have no impact on whether or not I believed god exists.
However, if you define 'god' as a higher being I find that a totally different prospect. I think that to think we are the top of the tree/food chain/supreme being would be a very arrogant belief.
But just because something out there may be a higher being than us humans, does that mean they are our god? Human beings may be a higher being compared to domestic animal, but does that mean my pet cat thinks I'm god?
Basically, I found the topic of discussion
a little disappointing. Why? Because an
individual who claims to be open-minded
would at least allow for the possibility
of a creator or higher power.
And I think most people on here have open minded enough to admit that it is theoretically possible for god to exist, just that they don't think its very likely.