This is the article the jws complained about:
Jehovahs Witnesses and child abuse
Child abuse is a blight on society, and most religions, including the Jehovahs Witnesses, have their own problems in that area. However, it is the way those problems are usually handled that makes the Witnesses differrent from most other faiths. There is no doubt that child abuse is a crime, and should be reported to the relevant authorities when discovered. The Witnesses don't quite see it this way, however. They prefer to allow the congregation elders handle these matters. Now, the Witnesses take the Bible literally, include several verses that say there must be at least two witnesses to every act of wrongdoing, or the matter cannot be established, even in serious cases like child abuse. Very few abusers wait around for witnesses when they are about to rape a 4 or 5 year old child, so if they are Witnesses, and the elders get to hear about their alleged conduct, a simple denial will suffice to have the matter taken no further. The police are not informed, and the abuser is free to continue molesting children. One former Witness described the organisation as a "paedophile paradise", and there is plenty of well - documented evidence to back up his allegation. A few years ago, it was revealed that, at the world HQ of Jehovahs Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York, there existed a database containing the names of 23,720 Witnesses who were alleged child abusers, very few of whom had been reported to the police, and only a tiny minority who had been reported by the elders. All too often, it is the abuse victims who do the reporting, and they are then usually disfellowshipped, or expelled, from the congregation rather than being offerred any kind of support. Wives who complained about their husbands have been told to "pray more, and be a better wife" to stop the abuse. Clearly, whatever their scriptural reasoning is, the Jehovahs Witnesses policy on child abuse is WRONG. It is seemingly designed to shield the abuser and persecute the victim, when any decent person would expect it to be the other way around. Maybe, as pressure grows on the church, particularly in the USA, this policy will be reviewed, but if the Witnesses track record on admitting their mistakes is anything to go by, that is unlikely. In the meantime, let us all be aware of the kind of people that may be visiting our homes. Some of them could have a less - than pure motive for being there.
And this is the link to the site. He's put an article on today that they won't like, I suspect, but it's nothing they can have removed. It's on the JW policy on those who leave page.