Just think of all the years I spent looking in the wrong place for him!
Posts by Gadget
Can you see Jesus?
by Gadget in.
just think of all the years i spent looking in the wrong place for him!.
Does anyone run or mod another forum?
by Nosferatu injust for curiousity's sake, does anyone run or moderate on a different forum?
i'm a moderator on a non-jw related forum, and it's a lot of fun!
I'm a mod on a pagan forum.
SECRET SANTA - Gift Ideas thread
by Angharad ini know a lot have already posted in the other thread, but i have had a request to start an offical thread for ideas.
if you have already posted in the other thread don't worry i will put links to both in the pms to people.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/123195/1.ashx.
so anyone that hasn't already posted some ideas, please do so in here !.
I just got my name!
Claire always tells me I'm a really hard person to buy for! I'm a big fan of old cars/motorcycles so that might give some ideas. I'm studying psychology so I have a lot of books on techniques used in cults, but not many on peoples personal experiences, so maybe a book telling someones story? Or how about something specific to your area/hobby/something like that? I hope I've given whoevers my secret santa a few ideas!
What the hell is the WTS saying about evolution now?
by Santisimo indid anyone read the recent wts "special article" about creation and evolution?
i read it and fell of my freaking seat.
get this, the wts now believes (and yes, they want everyone to agree or else) that god created the universe billions of years ago and that nothing was created in six days as shown in genesis!.
I remember them saying that the 6 creative days were not literal days, but 6 undefined periods of time. The only change is if they are saying these periods could add up together to be millions of years.
I can't see the problem between the story of creation and evolution. Does the fact that we think we've worked out the methods used by god during the 6 days of creation make it any less amazing that he managed to do it? How long til the watchtower comes out with something like that?
UN Asked to Recognise Jedi Knights as Official Religion
by Clam intwo self-styled jedi knights are stepping up an intergalactic campaign for formal recognition.
umada and yunyun, also known as john wilkinson and charlotte law, want the un to acknowledge "the force" is worthy of being called a religion.
the couple claim to be part of the uk's fourth largest religious group, after 400,000 people recorded their faith as "jedi" in the 2001 census.. full story link: .
I think it would be great fun if the UN starts recognizing every half-baked religious group that comes along, the way they let the JWs in; it would only help to promote atheisim,
I think that rather than promoting atheism, this sort of thing actually promotes fundamentalism. People see this sort of thing and it turns them off religion because they see it being made a laughing stock, but that doesn't make them lose their faith. They then start looking for religions that condemn things like this, and so the number of fundamentalists increase.
Id like to know whoes on this forum when I am .......would you ?
by vitty in.
i think it would be a nice feature on this site if we had a list of people who where active on the board, then we wouldnt be upset if we had no replies to our topics ( cos no one was about ) or be really excited if there were a couple hundred.
I think Simons responded to this one before, and the reason why he doesn't want to is that theres some people trolling who would use a feature like that to find when no moderators were online, and take the oppurtunity to have some mischief. Perhaps one of the mods could give some more information about this.
Elders Closing In....an update
by diamondblue1974 inwell an elder finally rang, and sure enough it was one particular elder i was close to when i was a dub; i still do have a lot of time for him personally as he is genuine.
all the same however, hes a company man and i am a great believer that the person who is going to betray (if at all) will often will be the one you least expect it from.
i think it was him predominantly because he/they thought his call could be disarming.. well, i spoke to him very briefly, and in that time he tried to get my address off me on several occasions - he tried to ascertain when it would be most convenient to call (to which i was non committal) but careful not to do anything which could put my relationship with my mother at jeopardy.
Good luck with your mother! I suppose it depends on how much the elders want to get you what the outcome will be. If they forced the point of wanting to speak with you would you be able to bite your tongue to preserve your relationship with your mother? Giving the elders a piece of your mind is very satisfying (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/77009/1.ashx), but is it worth the loss of your mother? Of course if they do come round you could explain how depressed you have been with all the things that been happening in your life, but that your planning on coming back to meetings soon. Might make them leave you alone for a bit.
Who is Philip Brumley?
by Honesty inironic, isn't it.. http://www.freedommag.org/english/vol32i1/page14.htm.
philip brumley, general counsel for the jehovahs witnesses, testified how the jehovahs witnesses in austria moved through the political and legal court systems for a decade towards obtaining the same religious status as other religions.
just as they were getting to the point of obtaining this religious status, the national legislature of austria convened and passed a law which imposes a 10-year waiting period for any organization seeking full religious recognition.
" By law minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts. Therefore by law, people who got baptized when they were children have a third legally enforceable option when they leave: to simply quit, without disassociating and without submitting to a judicial committee, or "ecclesiastical tribunal."
This would apply if they decided to leave while still a minor, but if they had lived as an adult following the rules wouldn't that show they tacitly accepted the contract while an adult also?
Racial/Religious hatred laws
by KAYTEE inwith the interest in racial / religious hatred laws.
(im talking about the laws that exist or soon will do in the u.k) i wonder if some of the magazines that we have seen over many years could be viewed as breaking this law.. to name just a few of the points.
encouraging their members to shun ones, who may for various reasons, have stopped going to their place of worship.by inciting their members to view these ones as "apostates", and thereby doomed to die at armageddon.
I don't think they'll effect the watchtower too much. They'll just change everything to conscience matters, and so its the action of the individual rather than the organisation, and any action like that will be proof of persecution and proof that they are right.
've no doubt they'll investigate to see if any of these laws can be used to curtail apostate activities too. Could owners of websites such as this then be found guilty of allowing material that incites religious hatred to be posted?