To answer the initial question, when I was still attending meetings I found I could shut it out to a point but then it got too much and I stopped going. I've since found out this is a classic example of cognitive dissonance theory. The body regulates itself by homeostasis and an imbalance between what a person internalises as beliefs and externalises as actions causes instability. Longterm instability causes functional problems so the body corrects it by either changing the internal beliefs or the outward behaviour so they are once again in balance. How long someone could keep up a pretense would depend on the individual but you would hope it would be long enough to reach those important to them. When I was regular on here there were a few doing this, and most of them seemed to end up being out within a year or two.
Bigmac, it may seem like they're living a lie but would it not be more accurate to say they're taking a hit for the team for the sake of their family? As for your comment that any man as head of the house should be able to make a common sense arguement and have a chance of saving his family I find it frankly ridiculous and misinformed. Have you ever tried using common sense in arguing with a true believing fundamentalist? If thats all it took there wouldn't be any jw's anymore. When you were a true believing jw I'd bet there were facts you ionterpretted very differntly to how you interptret them now as an ex'jw. To me it takes a bigger man to choose a difficult route for the long term good of his family then to let the testosterone take over and put your foot down.
From your first comment it seems to me that you think that people putting their family beofre themselves makes a pathetic thread and they should get a life. If you truly believe this then its your own choice and good luck to you. But if you've only said them to stir things up, as you stated on another forum, then its a bit below the belt imho.