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JoinedPosts by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker
The real reason for the push to get children baptized.......
by EndofMysteries ini think the real reason is that many when they are in their teens and able to start thinking for themselves end up leaving by the time they get out of home, never baptized, and still continuing assocation with their family.
the wt doesn't like this loophole, so they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed.
hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
The new annoucement will tell all JWs attending the Kingdom Halls if you hate your fellow Witness, you need to leave the Organization and find a new religion We don't want anyone who is not practicing Christian love in our Kingdom Halls, "So all you haters, please exit the doors now and take your elder and pioneer books with you too, keep them all because we are building a new religion based of the love Jesus Christ said his followers were known for (John 13:33,34) instead of rules, rules and rules.
No more "Clicks" and "Mini-groups" leaving all the weirdos for the young brothers reaching out for the office of "servant" or "elder", everyone must take turns working with the weirdos once a month or else! That's a rumor I feel confident is more closer to fantasy, not reality!
Are Jehovahs Witnesses a Cult? NO! Of course not. Let us explain.
by Comatose in
"we don't follow men, we follow christ.".
but, if you say you believe in jesus but doubt the men.... your dfd.
I heard it said "It's not a lie if you are using Theocratic War to tell lies", the public are not entitled to know the truth what JWs really think.
New Flock Book - Child Abusers NOT excluded from serving again
by allelsefails in"shepherd the flock" book - page 38 - chapter 3 par.20 ........ (talking about disqualifying servants and elders) 20. if the sin occurred before he was appointed as an elder or a ministerial servant, the elders will need to take into consideration the fact that he should have mentioned this possible impediment to his being qualified when elders interviewed him just prior to announcing his appointment.
moreover, the nature of the sin may reflect greatly on his qualifications to serve.
for example, the sin may involve past child abuse, and this would likely disqualify him for many years.-w97 1/1 pp.
Is it possible the Organization put this in the Elder Book to promote a false hope with a pedophile who is trying to get some type of position in the Kingdom Hall? Jehovah's Witnesses feel their entire networth is based off their priviledges received from the Organization. If no carrot is dangling in front of the former position holder pedophile, what hope is left if the Society say's "Sorry freak show, we got nothing left for you! Our liability insurance along with our legal department has said it's best if you sit in the back and keep your mouth shut!"
They must create the illusion there is hope for convicted pedophiles who boldy came forward after they were accused of sexually assualting young men or women. What if the pedophiles are big donors in the Kingdom halls? just a thought.
What are these free classes good for? "The Fall Of Jerusalem" By Tel Av-iv U
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker in
hi, i received a email from another dubber asking about taking this class with him.
can someone with experience explain how this format of class works?
Hi, I received a email from another dubber asking about taking this class with him. Can someone with experience explain how this format of class works? It's hard to motivate yourself if no credit is involved with any course, college credit makes college more motivating. The subject is common with JWs, "The Fall Of Jerusalem" might be interesting, thought I would pass this around and see what the community thinks of it.
Did you ever volunteer at or visit Bethel? What were your impressions when you were in the WBTS vs. now (looking back)?
by Poindexter Lionel Humperdique indid you ever volunteer/visit bethel back when you were in the borg?
at the time, it opended my eyes as i saw a lot of red flags.
for instance, volunteers were kept so busy without reasonable accomodations that everyone became in a robotic-zombie state of compliance with an unreasonably strict fast pased schedule.
Why is Bethel so important to Jehovah's Witnessees instead of the Holy Land of Isreal or Asia Minor and Egypt where the men of faith lived and came from? I can't tell you how many times my wife said it would change my outlook if I would just visit Bethel and see how the Organization is run. Honestly, I would rather visit Hershey's Chocolate Factory and eat my weight in yummy chocolate bars and talk with real people, instead of a fake "House of God". She can visit Bethel, have lunch since one of her friends are part of the team above. Bethel grand scheme of working their free labor into the ground, there is nothing kindly about the Yoke those jokers put all their slaves through! (Matthew 18:20-36)
Perry, have you been to Isreal or other areas where the real Apostles of God and Jesus Christ walked and toured? It's insane how often the subject "Bethel Heals All Ills" is thrown at the brothers and sisters, the new Bethel Hotel and amusement park. What is the big deal about Bethel, how will it change the way I feel about all the lies I was told as a JW?
Has anyone experienced "The Bethel Syndrome"? That's when a group from your Kingdom Hall come back after staying at Bethel for two or three weeks and pretend they are glowing like Moses did when he viewed the portion of God he was allowed to see without dying. Brothers come back from Bethel and pretend they were at Mount Sinia listening to Moses preach directly from God and we hear about their super spiritual transfiguration they witnesses while watching young men package up books or have lunch and dinner with the Governing Body. The syndrome is capable of lasting for months, I am happy now I have never been to Bethel or Patterson. What's the big deal seeing a factory, why not visit "Ben and Jerry's", "Mars Bar", "Hershey Chocolate Factory" and get something to take home to your friends instead of a big ego and the "I am holy now for visiting Bethel" now! Good Grief!
I don't know how I lost my post above, I just wanted to thank everyone for being so kind and say I am working on all the respones to the kind Messages I received, I look forward to meeting everyone and appreciate the reception. The Kingdom Halls are not the same, if some of you who left twenty years ago were to walk in, some things are the same and others are not recognizable.
How do I fix my story about Cletus and Mable and Peggy Sue?
“Wasaelder” You’re right, it was far too long and I apologize for too many details, I will be more succinct.
Thank you for your kind words and not blasting me off for spelling or nonsense talk.
Now that I have learned my lesson, I want to change my life to a more original form of Christian thinking and help the world regardless of whether they believe in God or don’t. I sent applications out to work for “Meals on Wheels”, “Food Bank”, Visiting Rest Homes and other charities, even going to donate blood. Is it possible to not contradict myself and say I would prefer not to help the older Witnesses using these programs because they are always speaking ill of them and often I hear them say “I hate this wicked world, I wish it would end” because one of their 90-something year old friends died. Usually I pipe in and say “there are many kids who die daily, children under 25 years old who never had a chance to live a long life, what’s more unfair and unnatural, a kid dying or brother faithful 96 year old former Bethelite?”
“Victims of a scam” Cracking the Whip’s quote
It’s a scam of large proportions few desire to explore, they enjoy being victims of a hoax because the humiliation of being wrong would cause them to lose too much face with family and friends who warned them this was a “Cult” decades ago. What purpose does the Organization bring to our current life when most Witnesses feel we live in a “throw away world so it does not matter how we treat the environment or worry about giving money to help save Rainforest and the Ocean. Most Witnesses who were never wronged and have limited contact with the real problems facing the Organization and hate this world, they want to remain in the Matrix and live the lie. I thought things would change a little with the July 15 th Watchtower, instead I keep hearing how faith inspiring the magazine was and it was further evidence “Jehovah is feeding his faithful sheep at the proper time by not revealing large amounts of deep truths the sheep could not handle. Has anyone ever explained the “Over-lapping Generation to you in a way that makes logical sense or do they get flustered like my old set of friends?
What happened with the July 15 th Study Edition of the Watchtower? We have no Faithful Slave appointed by Jesus Christ, who is looking outfor us? It's the Elephant in our living room nobody is willing to talk about. Are we dealing with a order of silence because nobody has spoken of the conundrum “The Faithful Servant will not receive authority over the domestics until Jesus Christ returns (Second Coming) leaving us with no Faithful Slave since all will be taken up in the Rapture. The magazine was clear with these key points, we will still have some of the "mentally diseased class" watching over us when the real Law abiding GB and other members of Patterson and Bethel leave the planet! Nobody will discuss this at the Kingdom Hall and their Apostate Radar ears are sharper than ever!
Do you have any "one-liners" for drive-by witnessing?
by Faithful Witness ini am looking for things i can say in passing, when i meet some of my jw friends.
we used to attend meetings, but have not been officially recognized yet, as apostates.
we were good and curious students, but fell away and were choked out by weeds.. since i will be renewing my bible student status soon, i am hoping this will open more windows into the organization.
Searcher, that is the kind of questions they get really nervous over, thank you because I am writing my own set of tracts to hand out once I finish them. I love the group thinking or the collective wisdom we have to motivate each other to produce good material, the synergy of the group is able to produce more output vs the invididual thinkings!
My daughter who still attends had three freakshows tell her they were worried about me, she was livid and sarcastically said "Save it, you know his phone number and if you really wanted to know how he was doing, you would call or drive by and see him. Jehovah does not like dishonest people, save your lies for someone who is dumb enough to listen to you" She was angry because I did lots of free work for the worried friends checking up on me. It's possible for anyone to fade and not see your friends again until they need some computer help, help with termites, I use to trim trees and branches, worked on older model cars and small engine repair and eletricial for ten years with other construction trades. Sissy was so bitter to those friends asking about me loudly at the Kingdom Hall because she thought it was all for show, she ended up in the "Elders Room" for some counsel until the nice elders agreed the "friends mean well but the "spirit is willing but the flesh is too weak to check up on all the friends we are losing so quickly!" I like your comments because most JWs are full of hot-air and big bags of wind, they don't care if you never come back, they are too busy looking for the next publisher who is going to take your place and all the hours they can count by seeking out new members while leaving the old ones in the dust! I want this truth to be known, we are a cult!
"We missed you at the meeting."
"Charming that you missed me. You have my number. Call me and we will go for coffee sometime." quoted by jgnat