Topics Started by AXEL
From San Diego, CA I'am a new member.
by AXEL inhi brothers and sisters,.
i am a new member of this forum.
i attend to the kearny mesa congretation in san diego.. thanks.
Top 10 Signs Your Religion Is Dying.
by SYN inyour leadership is a bit dodgy.
for starters, theyre all so close to deaths door that he has repeatedly asked them to stop loitering and just ring the bell.
theyre so old and wizened that they have a hearse on 24-hour standby.
Anybody Here from So. California?
by sandy inlooking for people in the southern california area i have been out (in-active) for over 5 years.
just looking for friends to talk to that understand how hard it is go on after living a jw life.
i know all you do on this web board but, i would like to make some friends i can actually hang out with.