One of the main problem for Creationist view is a lack of evidence that large mammals and dinosaurs coexisted. Both species had different food chain and lived rather own climate, where Cretaceous climate was much warmer. Dinosarus were surrounded by different flora and insects, and mammals would starve.
Posts by kaik
Did you think Dinosaurs were destroyed in the Flood?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inin our jw bible, they placed a friendly dinosaur on the inside front cover on the old time map of the middle east.. you look at that, and see where the placement to where the garden of eden is and that was the image i got in my mind.
dinosaurs lived, but were too big to save in the flood, and besides they had outlived their purpose of fertilizing the earth.
i feel stupid for the thinking i had when i was 'in'.. is that how you 'thought' when you were 'in'?.
When was your last Elder, Circuit Overseer, or District Overseer home visit ?
by RULES & REGULATIONS intwo years ago an elder from my old congregation and a new circuit overseer paid me a visit as to why i haven't been to any meetings in some time.. while eating breakfast with my family, the door bell rings around 10:00 a.m. i open the door and find my old congregation elder and the new circuit overseer .
i tell them that this is not a good time to talk and if they can call me on the phone next time they pay me a visit.
( i guess they figure if they call on the phone you won't pick it up but you will answer the door when you're not expecting them ).
I was visiting my aged relative who is JW, but very confused of the new light teaching after being in Truth for 40 or so years and certainly lost. Before we had lunch in noon, someone decided to stop by at 11:45 AM for visit- a pair of elders. What was the reason, I do not know, maybe the word had spread out in small village that old woman had sudden male visitor, who knows and they did not know I was the relative. The elders were inquiring about my presence etc., and tried to get into the house, which I had prevented. I was not sure what they wanted and did not feel comfortable having strangers in the house. My relative was still busy making lunch, so she did not comes to door. I closed the door three times; three times they rang the bell. After I had told them that they will not be allowed in without stating the reason why they are there, they had left. After I talked to my relative, she said it was not surprised that they come before lunch. She said it became a part of the routine around the congregation to make shepherd visits around the lunch and dinner time so they get free meal.
Did you think Dinosaurs were destroyed in the Flood?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inin our jw bible, they placed a friendly dinosaur on the inside front cover on the old time map of the middle east.. you look at that, and see where the placement to where the garden of eden is and that was the image i got in my mind.
dinosaurs lived, but were too big to save in the flood, and besides they had outlived their purpose of fertilizing the earth.
i feel stupid for the thinking i had when i was 'in'.. is that how you 'thought' when you were 'in'?.
Dinosaurs did not coexist with people or any large mammals. They ruled Earth for 175 milion years and went through several evolutionary stages, where some large dinosaurs even did not lived at the same period. Dinosarus, all large animals, and fish had disappeared in 65mil years ago due combination of asteroid impact and Deccan trap volcanic activity. There is clear and visible K-T boundary (modern times named K-Pg) which show division between Cretaceous and Paleogene period. It is universally located around the Earth and is known to science for 140 years. Dinousars lived in different climate that mammals and could not live within the same food chain, flora, and weather partern.
Even Catholic church and most of the European christian denominations take evolution as a scientific fact and do not have problem with it. It is only deal break for US born, extremist, religious denominations. Dinosarus were not destoyed by Noe flood and there is also no evidence that this biblical event had happened globally. I have never believed that the dinosaurs were destroyed by flood.
January 2014 Watchtower Study "Why God Organization Kicked Older Bethelites Out Of Bethel To Save Money(Avoid Bankruptcy)"
by frankiespeakin inparagraph 1 & 2:.
we all enjoy life even now due to jehovah's tender mercies, for if it were not for his slowness to anger all humans would not have lived into this 21st century of out common era.
even those crippled severly cling to life thus demonstrating the will of humans to live even in adversity.
Of course, doing nothing whole life, just giving lectures at the assemblies would not wore out the bodies like the people who need make real living. When you see pictures of these well fed, somewhat obease, aged leaders who have smooth hands like baby because they never work hard in their life, than it is not suprising that they live 85-105 years. They are like aristorcracy in Verstailles before 1789 revolution, where the pioneers and regular witnesses do all the labor. I seen the picture and article of one bethelite this summer who was well over 80 dressed like banker and praised his labor for the organization by giving five to seven lectures per week for past 60 years or so. Even the early apostles and Jesus worked manually, these people are like parasites living in ivory tower from sweat, money, and labors of others.
What have the 'myriads of angels' ever done for humanity?
by yadda yadda 2 inthink about it, myriads upon myriads of do-nothing, never lift a finger angels floating around, ignoring all the untold pain and suffering on this planet for thousands of years.
what have all these millions of angels ever done for anyone?
occasional random materialisations in ancient israelite times?.
To crossquestions6995:
Why I consider the answer as a nonsense.
- The Book of Enoch nor other are not historical texts. They are not even part of the Bible. There are no known human species to have a giant form. No scientific, historical, or naturual studies have uncovered one single evidence. The giants are as historical facts as unicorns, syrenes, marmaids, centaur, and fire dragons.
- There is not whatsoever geological, biological, or paleontoligical evidence of a global flood as presented by Genesis. Even Jewish theology since the antiquity doubted the story of the global flood. Civilizations like China or Egypt does not show any discontinuity of their live in the century when the flood should had happened. Not to mention all the issue relating to species selection which two pairs will create a genetic bottleneck.
- If Jesus was non human existence, there is no need to worry about corrupting humand's DNA.
- If Angels materialized into human form, they would leave any traces of the advanced civilization in the early Bronze era. Considering the number of humans were about 25milions around 2500 BC how many of the women were desirable when considering entire human race outside fertile crescent were hunter and gathering nomads? Woud not immortals preserve better achievements than what we seen from excavated huts?
- Are you sure that all Rephiem had died? They are mentioned in Jos 12:4 or 2 Sam 5:18.
New 1975? Jan 1st WT 2014
by notsurewheretogo inthis post was taken from reddit exjw but makes a very good point:.
these are two paragraphs of the watchtower of january 1st 2014.... .
i don't know about you guys, but in my mind, i'm seeing a deja vu of the articles before 1975 i've read.
I see that they new deadline is proposed, which is either 2034 or 2039 (1919+120). They will come with explanation of time between 1914-2014. Since the Parousia is invisible, while Revelation 1:7 says that every eye will see him, the WT will come up with some interesting explanation.
What have the 'myriads of angels' ever done for humanity?
by yadda yadda 2 inthink about it, myriads upon myriads of do-nothing, never lift a finger angels floating around, ignoring all the untold pain and suffering on this planet for thousands of years.
what have all these millions of angels ever done for anyone?
occasional random materialisations in ancient israelite times?.
To Billy-the ex-bethelite,
I remember that from one of the discussion with the elder that people will be judged for their deeds according Deuteronomy 17:6 by two witnesses, which would be done by two angels who will know everythring you have ever done, good or bad. I do not remember in which context was it, but this passage stick in my memory for years.
Watchtower Society Has Systemically, Methodically Over The Years, Caused All JWs Diabolically To Worship Watchtower Headquarters Leadership [or G.B.]!
by bjc2read in(of course, this will be "old news" to many of you...but, this is especially written for the "newbies" who may not know of the following.).
... i was just wondering .... .
i remember back when i was very active among the jehovah's witnesses, the watchtower society recommended a special procedure they used to do to put pressure upon bible studies of jehovah's witnesses by doing something they called: "directing attention to the organization.
JW organization is dedicated to one goal and that is a work for The faithful and discreet slave. The entire hiearchy, worship, amibition, and perseverence, and effort is revolving around pleasing him. The other goals that should be defining Christianity as a love, help, social support, care for the sick and elderly, was moved into the secondary place, because entire effort of JW organization is directed for preaching and hunting souls for the never satisfied the faithful and discreet slave. Someone had once compared JW organization as a totalitarian organization similar to Northern Korea, where entire effort and money is put toward a military doctrine and worshiping the leadership, and nothing is left for other goals. Over the time, the organization turns into self worship, it compares itself to the great prophets of the Old Testament, and see itself in each prophecy. Its leaders are compared to Elijah, Noe, or apostles; and does not matter how ridiculous it looks.
As other had said, nothing will shake it down. The system, the hiearchy, and the structure will survive even the worst imaginable scandal.
1914 not Christ's Return anymore?
by pacloc inlooking at the public dec 2013 watchtower under bible questions answered it looks like they are saying that the invisible return of christ is completely in the future.
i thought that they always said it started in 1914?
am i reading this wrong?.
I do not think, the WT will change the year 1914, the of Christ's return anytime soon, as they can add 120 years to 1914 based on Gen 6:3, which will give them another 20 years to work. Until 2034 they have a sufficient time to come up with a new explanation. There will be a huge generational change with JW organization as the old folks will die and who remembered the WT 1984 publication about the generation that would never die; and the younger generation within the organization will not even aware of it.