LevelThePlayingField / Beth Sarim - Listen to this music by Pat Metheny - Its a wonderful metaphor about life's struggles and strivings:
i remember hearing the sounds of the train horn blowing on january 1st 2015 and remembering, "another year and no armagedon".
and i was so disappointed.
i hated to hear that train whistle blow.
LevelThePlayingField / Beth Sarim - Listen to this music by Pat Metheny - Its a wonderful metaphor about life's struggles and strivings:
pandemonium broke out at the headquarters of the watchtower bible and track society as hundreds of former bethel workers protested being released from their assignments and told to vacate the premises.
the governing body members barely escaped the wrath of the mob, some without the shirt on their backs.
my parents were always of the belief that, "the end is right around the corner".. i was a zealous kid, with a learning disorder, so my parents never gave me a hard time or pushed me in regards to my education.. this not only hurt me, but, pissed me off insanely.
fast forward to me having my own kid.
ava is not doing well in school.
The efforts will be worth it ......................follow your own head on this one !
I am a pre-75'er and now at 59 paying the price of listening to others and their cultish advice! But hell life is fun now that we are out !!!!
there were several families that were visiting my mom today and i was sitting in and just listening to all of them talk..
they started talking about the recent shooting at the university.
and its so easy for them because all they have to say is;.
"Very Soon ......" the infamous witness Mantra -
But in the interim we wont lift a bloody finger to try and improve the lot of people on this planet - we will leave that to the worldly people to do while we await the big A which will then kill them off in a horrific manner - by way of thanks for all their "fine works" .....................................
we've just had our sunday meeting and the letter was read out to the congregation.. however, there was no mention of the bethel lay-offs or the building program shut-downs.. looks like we are on a need to know basis, here in australia..
Does the AGM continue today ?
Must say it has not been all that exciting this year ! More like a case of ED imho !
we've just had our sunday meeting and the letter was read out to the congregation.. however, there was no mention of the bethel lay-offs or the building program shut-downs.. looks like we are on a need to know basis, here in australia..
The final section of the Life and Ministry Meeting is entitled Living as Christians. This section begins with a song.
The next 15 minutes of this section will consist of one or two parts designed to help us apply God’s Word.
Then there will be a 30-minute Congregation Bible Study.
Thereafter, up to three minutes may be used by the chairman to review the meeting and preview material to be considered the following week. Any necessary announcements may also be made at this point. Expressions of praise to Jehovah in song and prayer will conclude the meeting.
from a recent reddit thread:.
i just received confirmation from a very trusted source in south africa bethel that up to 500 "families" (i imagine couples or singles) are getting let go from that branch.. also confirmed is the special pioneer cull.. what really strikes me about the layoffs is that the south african bethel provides literature and other needs for most of africa, a huge growth area for the org.. .