I dont want to detract from the fact that you addressed your remarks to the lady from KZN - LouBelle. Nevertheless just a brief comment:
Ruby 456 - The Prosecution right now is treading on thin ice - they dont have a strong factual base to argue from thus far. Its early days however. Nevertheless you make the point we all wonder about - Who in their right mind discharges a fire arm in the manner he claimed he did. Why did he use illegal bullets that cause catastrophic injuries [bear in mind the gruesome testimony of the pathologist was not permitted to be aired directly due to its graphic nature.
The testimony now emerging of his other illicit uses in public of the firearm - This lil boy is a loose cannon [no pun] Very dysfunctional - would not surprise me if he was on "stuff' or snorted "snow" or was on steroids.
Nevertheless - if this trial were to terminate now, he would walk. The defence advocate is doing an amazing job of casting doubt. That is fairly fascinating stuff.
Defence is also showing that many of the witnesses have altered their court testimony from that which they first declared in their initial statements - having drawn conclusions from "facts" appearing later in the media. He has stripped some of them due to that.