JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
Could Wt afford to proselytise in China if they were allowed in.
by joe134cd ini was just thinking today if china opened it doors to wt, and there was the surge of interest as was the the case with the european eastern block countries when communism 1st fell.
what would be wt reaction toward it.
could wt even afford to proselytise in china.
They have sent missionaries in under the guise of being English teachers - they are instructed to find jobs in English teaching institutions etc and to mingle with the local Chinese people - This guise also assists them to avoid visa issues and the like - So they are definitely there under false pretenses - but its................Theocraptric Warfare its ok ! -
my 2 cents
by SloppyMcFloppy inall religion is flawed because its led by man.
jw is not bad religon if it changed some of its doctrines and thoughts.
if it didnt "shun" members and "worldly people.
Man is flawed and thus thinks he needs Religion .....................perhaps ? -
WT claims to have completed "Peak Construction Phase of New World Headquarters"
by wifibandit in
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
breakfast of champions - spot on there ! And as for that Guard Tower ....lookout thingamy a prison compound - totally Hilda I'm afraid - I could just plutz !!!
Finally heard a Dub defend overlapping generations
by Socrateswannabe insince the overlapping generations doctrine was introduced, i have found the jws i know to be uncharacteristically silent on the subject.
i can't remember hearing a single dub try to defend this idiocy.
but that all ended recently.
Socrateswannabe - Did you tactfully or otherwise ask her to articulate it for your "foggy" brain ? Cos I think that would have blown it away. -
WTBTS Submissions to Royal Commission on abuse: The response document in FULL
by JWchange init is not obvious if someone has already put the responses and excuses to the findings of the royal commission, by watchtower on this forum somewhere, sorry if it is already posted.
click on the link below, and scroll down to 'submissions' near bottom of page and you can download the full document.
if this link doesn't work.
We are never and will never be in error !
For Example :
11.61 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F57: [ie Angus Stewart]
F57 It is the policy and practice of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation in Australia to not report allegations of child sexual abuse to the police or other authorities unless required by law to do so.
There is no such policy and practice of Jehovah’s Witnesses: see the reasons given in paragraphs 9.313 to 9.318.
11.70 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F66:
F66 The documented practice of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation of not reporting child sexual abuse to the authorities undermines the efficacy of the working with children check system, a system to which the organisation says it subscribes and with which it says it complies.
For the reasons given in paragraph 9.355, this suggested finding is too broadly stated and should not be made in the terms expressed.
F67 The practices and procedures of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation for the prevention of child sexual abuse, and in particular for the management of the risk of an abuser reoffending, do not take account of the actual risk of an offender reoffending and accordingly place children in the organisation at significant risk of sexual abuse.
For the reasons in paragraphs 9.358 to 9.362, this suggested finding ought to be disregarded.
11.73 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F69:
F69 Members of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation who no longer want to be subject to the organisation’s rules and discipline have no alternative than to leave the organisation which requires that they disassociate from it.
For the reasons provided in paragraphs 9.367 to 9.369, the finding should read:
A Jehovah’s Witness who no longer wants to be subject to the organisation’s rules and discipline may simply stop associating with the congregation without formally disassociating from the faith. !!!
11.81 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F72:
F72 Dr Applewhite’s report contains a number of factual errors with regard to her documenting of the relevant practices and procedures of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The suggested finding should read as follows, based on the reasons given in paragraphs 9.398 to 9.399:
Dr Applewhite’s report contains a small number of inconsequential factual errors with regard to her documenting of the relevant practices and procedures of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
11.82 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F73:
F73 Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore rejected.
For the reasons provided in paragraphs 9.400 to 9.401, the finding should read:
Dr Applewhite’s report is therefore accepted.
11.83 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F74:
F74 Dr Applewhite accepted the following components to current standards of best practice in relation to raising and responding to allegations of child sexual abuse within religious organisations, namely that religious organisations should have:
a) a process for reporting allegations of child sexual abuse which is survivor focussed and designed to ensure that the child or adult survivor feels able to come forward and be comfortable in reporting the allegation
b) a process for reporting allegations of child sexual abuse that does not require a survivor to confront the alleged perpetrator of their abuse or be in the same room as the alleged perpetrator without support
c) a system for preventing perpetrators of child sexual abuse from being put back in a position of trust with children
d) an ability to take child‐safe action in order to remove children from imminent danger, or a relationship with other authorities that have that ability, and
e) strong and cooperative relationships with child protection authorities and with criminal justice authorities
These suggested findings should not be made since they do not relate to the policies and practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses, as explained in paragraphs 9.403 to 9.410.
11.84 Counsel Assisting’s suggested finding F75:
F75 The opinion expressed by Dr Applewhite in oral evidence that requiring a survivor of child sexual abuse to present her testimony before elders and her abuser would not meet the relevant standard is accepted.
For the reasons outlined in paragraphs 9.411 to 9.413, this suggested finding should not be made since it has no direct relevance to the current policies and practices of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Even though she was the JW Expert Wetnose !
Obtuse / bold / Presumptious / Self-Assuming /haughty / Lovers of money ......... / not open to any agreement / having a form of Godly devotion ................
converting to catholic
by SloppyMcFloppy inhello i was wondering if any ex jw have converted to catholic?
i have been tossing the idea around a bit and wondering if it was woth it from personal experience?
Just a question......................................................
Does one require a CATHOLYTIC CONVERTER in order to carry out the move ????
Just askin ..............................................
2015-Information Needed For Visit Of Circuit Overseer-S-61-E!
by Atlantis inno wonder the elder's are becoming burned out and stepping down!
2015, information needed for visit of circuit overseer.
.. click the green download button.. .. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
2015-Information Needed For Visit Of Circuit Overseer-S-61-E!
by Atlantis inno wonder the elder's are becoming burned out and stepping down!
2015, information needed for visit of circuit overseer.
.. click the green download button.. .. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
The circuit overseer will obtain personal and spiritual information from each one’s Congregation’s Publisher Record card,
. -
Bethel layoff question
by CookieMonster inhi,.
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
Employee or independent contractor?
- a. Dominant impression test:
In order to assist with the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor, the courts have formulated a number of tests, the dominant impression test which was accepted by the Labour Appeal Court in SABC v McKenzie:
Some of the important characteristics of the contract of employment and the contract of work, respectively, are:
- i.The object of the contract of service is the rendering of personal services by the employee to the employer. The services are the object of the contract. The object of the contract of work is the performance of a certain specified work or the production of a certain specified result.
- ii.According to a contract of service the employee will typically be at the beck and call of the employer to render his personal services at the behest of the employer. The independent contractor, by way of contrast, is not obliged to perform the work himself or to produce the result himself, unless otherwise agreed upon. He may avail himself of the labour of others as assistants or employees to perform the work or to assist him in the performance of the work.
- iii.Services to be rendered in terms of a contract of service are at the disposal of the employer who may in his own discretion subject, of course, to questions of repudiation decide whether or not he wants to have them rendered. The independent contractor is bound to perform a certain specified work or produce a certain specified result within a time fixed by the contract of work or within a reasonable time where no time has been specified.
- iv.The employee is subordinate to the will of the employer. He is obliged to obey the lawful commands, orders or instructions of the employer who has the right of supervising and controlling him by prescribing to him what work he has to do as well as the manner in which it has to be done. The independent contractor, however, is notionally on a footing of equality with the employer. He is bound to produce in terms of his contract of work, not by the orders of the employer. He is not under the supervision or control of the employer. Nor is he under any obligation to obey any orders of the employer in regard to the manner in which the work is to be performed. The independent contractor is his own master.
- v.A contract of service is terminated by the death of the employee whereas the death of the parties to a contract of work does not necessarily terminate it.
- vi.A contract of service terminates on expiration of the period of service entered into while a contract of work terminates on completion of the specified work or on production of the specified result.
- b.Additional criteria to assist in determining the true relationship between the parties:
- i.The contract itself:
Will usually state the intention of the two parties to the contract - meaning whether it is intended to be an employer/employee relationship or an independent contractor relationship? The courts will not simply accept a contract at face value. They will investigate the true nature and realities of the relationship, and will not bind themselves to what the parties have chosen to call the relationship.
Therefore, despite the fact that the contract may emphasise throughout that the relationship is that of an independent contractor, the courts will not simply accept that at face value. They will dig much deeper.
They could get away with a retrenchment process [here] if they had kept the Bethalites on Temp contracts However this too would be open to challenge in the courts as you cannot keep someone indefinitely on your books without it creating the expectation that this is actually permanent employment - You have to be sleazy about the employment relationship all the same !
Bethel layoff question
by CookieMonster inhi,.
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
life is to short - a section of my post got deleted : I was meant to state that this is the South African situation and only after the Dept of Labour came down on them for having people in their employ under the guise of the vow of poverty when they are employees according to the way the employer/ employee relationship is defined in law over here !
So a vow of poverty is meaningless over here as the very nature of their relationship at Bethel - they way they work etc defines them as employees -